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Richie's POV:

"Beep Beep Richie" Eds say

Right as he finishes his sentence an immensely sharp pain shoots through my bottom lip.
I put my hand up to my mouth as small beads of blood fell in little puddles onto my hand.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" He asks as he rushes over to me.

"Ya" I say, the pain in my lip increasing with every move, "Just a little scratch."

"A little scratch?!" He says, obviously panicking, "There is a small untreated hole in your lip and you just call it a little scratch?!"

Oh the hole, it must have reopened sometime today.

Eddie's POV:

I quickly rush to Richie's bathroom to grab some supplies to clean his wound.

As I art back to Richie's room I see him pinching the hole in his lip to stop the bleeding.

"Let go" I say as I sit next to him and grab a few items.
He stops pinching his lip and a few drops of blood spill out onto his chin.

I lift up a tissue and instruct him to hold it against his lip.
He presses it up against his lip to soak up the blood as I soak a small cotton swab in Sterile Saline.

"Hold still" I say as I remove the tissue.
I place the cotton swab on the wound and watch as Richie flinches from the pain.

"Owwwwww, why do you do this to me Eds?" Richie wines,

"Shut up" I say as I spray a little more Sterile Saline into the wound, "This will take maybe a a day or two to close."

"What if I don't want it to close?" He asks looking up at me.

"Did you do this yourself so you could get a piercing?"

"No, my dad had the honor to do this."

I sigh as I stand up.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, what type of piercing do you want?"

"Can I get one of those half circle ones with little spikes at the end?!" he asks, excitement filling his eyes making them sparkle.

"Sure" I say as i grab my jacket, "I'll be back shortly."

I leave Richie's room to go to the store.


Words: 342

Authors Note: Sorry it's short.

Also you guys know what type of piercing i'm talking about when I say half circle piercing with spikes on the end right?
If not just look up Barbell Lip Piercing and imagine that with the spike ends instead of the round ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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