Great Beast Ships

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Yes, it exists so I'm just going to list the ones I have seen and put if I agree or not.

Essix x Halawir- Yep all the way like a reilin but great beast.

Briggan x Uraza- I'm on the bench I can see it happening but yet I can't see it happening.

Elda x Uraza- no not at all.

Elda x Briggan- if Devin x Conor is a thing then yes but otherwise no.

Kovo x Gerathon- no at least all the others are somewhat related like Essix x Halawir both the birds and then the others are all mammals so defiantly no.

Cabaro x Briggan- I think the two don't get along to begin with so no.

Please put in the comments what great beast ships you've seen that aren't here also when I mean great beasts I mean ships that have at least a great beast in here.

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