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I don't know how to do these so this is a learning experience also I will only do the four heroes of Erdas also I'm not putting the bond tokens


Spirit Animal: Uraza
Height: 1.89m (second tallest)
Age: 25 (3rd eldest)
Hair: Only has gotten longer
Best Friend: Meilin
Favourite Food: Roasted Gazelle
Boyfriend: Conor
Strength: Strongest
Weapon: Bow with the best arrows she can get her hands on and sometimes a spear


Spirit Animal: Briggan
Height: 2m(tallest)
Age: 25 (2nd eldest)
Hair: Same length and hairstyle as Arac (https://spiritanimals.fandom.com/wiki/Arac)
Best Friend: Rollan
Favourite Food: Shepherds Pie
Girlfriend: Abeke
Strength: 2nd Strongest
Weapon: Axe


Spirit Animal: Essix
Height: 1.75m
Age: 26 (eldest)
Hair: Hasn't changed because he is lazy to do these things
Best Friend: Conor
Favourite Food: Stew
Girlfriend: doesn't have one but has a crush on Meilin but is too stubborn to admit it
Strength: weakest but still strong but not the strongest
Weapon: Daggers


Spirit Animal: Jhi
Height: 1.7m
Age: 25 (youngest)
Hair: hasn't changed because it's practical
Best Friend: Abeke
Favourite Food: Caviar with ridiculously expensive cheese and crackers
Boyfriend: no one but has a crush on Rollan but is 100 times more stubborn than Rollan
Strength: 3rd Strongest and always beats Rollan.
Weapon: Swords and Staff

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