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The pair approach a deserted office building, moving up to the next floor close to a window where they set up camp for the remainder of the night. A bit of rest was required if they wished to continue the search.

Konig drops his bag and weapons, keeping the pistol holstered to his side as he collapses into a rolling desk chair, his legs too long for the small seat as he stretches out, Nadja leaning against the windowsill with a serious look out into the city.

"I'll keep watch. Get some rest." She says, keeping her eyes glued to the streets below.

"Nein, you get rest. I'm fine." Konig retorts. Nadja looks over him to argue but sees as he already has his shotgun resting in his lap, staring at the doorway. She sighs, scooting further away from the window as she lays her backpack down, positioning herself to lay her head atop it as she stretches out on her back, crossing her arms while staring up to the ceiling in deep thought.

She thought to herself that she wouldn't be getting any rest as her mind was too occupied, but against her judgement, she was out only ten minutes after Konig took post. As her soft breaths grew louder, Konig glances over to her peaceful body, shaking his head as he looked back ahead to the doorway keeping a tight eye.

Two hours later, Nadja finally awoke, feeling at ease with a bit of rest. She grunts as she sits up, stretching before standing to her feet.

"Feeling better?" Konig asks.

"I guess." She replies, walking his way while scratching the back of her neck, her hair loose out of the bun and a bit messy. Konig stands as they trade places, Nadja taking her AK to the post as she plops down in the chair, laying it into her lap while Konig lays flat across the floor with his shotgun leaned against the window, using her backpack as a pillow. He wriggled until comfortable, staring up above at the cracked, moldy ceiling, trying to close his eyes. But after half an hour, he found himself restless.

Strangely, his anxiety was high. He slid his hand under his vest, feeling his heavy heartbeat as it pounded against his chest. He tries taking a deep breath, counting to five between every inhale and exhale, luckily finding that to calm him some.

He closed his eyes, finally relaxing as his tense body eased, his hands intertwined by his fingers over his stomach that rose and fell with each calming breath. But just as he slipped into slumber, the sound of glass shattering woke him with a daze, sitting up as he watched bullets fly into the room from the window, cutting through the ceiling above as dust slowly rained down over him.

He twists his attention over to Nadja who already stood, facing the door as the sound of footsteps echoed down the hall in approach. Crawling further from the window and jumping to his feet, he takes his semi-auto sniper rifle, slowly approaching the window behind a desk that was pressed against it, peaking over ahead it as he spotted the AQ's positioned on the street, firing up at them.

He aims, taking a deep breath as he calmed his jitters, centering the sight on one and firing, breaking the glass as the bullet flew through, taking him down. The other ran into the building after his comrade was downed, where he then turns and faces Nadja who began spraying bullets towards the door as the AQ tried to rush in. He runs to her side, throwing the snipers strap over his shoulder as he grabs his shotgun by the window aside her backpack, blasting another soldier down that tried to peak into the room.

"Fuckers tried to catch us off-guard!" Nadja shouts as she kicks the rolling chair forward, keeping her aim towards the entrance. Suddenly, a grenade is thrown into the room, sliding across the floor towards them. Konig was quick to act, picking it up and tossing it back into the hall where it explodes on impact as it clashes into the wall, the sound of an AQ screaming as he was downed.

The area falls silent afterwards, the two slowly and quietly tiptoeing forward. Nadja whips around the corner with the AK aimed where she's met with gunfire, just barely missing her as it was shot from the last wounded AQ on the ground, hands too shaky to aim correctly. She shoots back, hitting his vest and knocking him down completely as he groans in pain, dropping his weapon as he tries to pull himself away.

She stomps to him with haste over the pileup of bodies as Konig follows close behind, pinning his arm down beneath her boot as she aims the gun, a cold glare watching him through the iron sights. "Where are the hostages?!" She shouts in Arabic.

The soldier grunted, shaking his head as he struggled to escape. "Fuck this." She hisses in English, firing one shot and ending him.

She peaks down the hallway once more, lowering her weapon as she confirmed it to be clear, turning back to the office room as she hurries inside, picking up her backpack and throwing it over her shoulders. "We have to move. I don't know how the fuck they found us, but we can't afford to be caught like that again." She commands, Konig taking his things and following out as they make way for the exit.

They remained on high alert as they swept every corner, anxious of running into more, but thankfully exiting the building with no run-ins. As the sun was beginning to rise, the tall buildings of the city blocking it as it just peaked over the horizon, Nadja takes out her map while they speedily walk down a sidewalk, following the street signs towards the center of the city.

"We have to get in communication with my company, I have to update Graves on the situation." She says passively.

"Let's try to find a communication tower then." Konig responds, Nadja agreeing as they move with haste.

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