3 - Pt. Two

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They slow their approach as ahead they spot a lit, gated area crawling with AQ soldiers, multiple guards holding the gate entrance with a single two-story building within the walls.

They crouch alongside a parked car as they peak ahead. "Shit." She hisses. "The gate is blocking us from sneaking in, and there's a shit-ton of them in there." She smacks her teeth, looking away as she rubs her chin in thought.

"I can show them brute force." Konig says.

"Absolutely not." She replies with a serious look, completely rejecting his idea. She looks out, a nearby tower just behind them, a few of the upper floor windows busted. She points, drawing his attention to it. "There, we can snipe 'em from above and move in when we dwindle their numbers."

Konig shakes his head, disagreeing with her suggestion but keeping his lips tight. He could tell she struggled with authority, but he respected her just enough to see how her plan would play out. Plus, he didn't want to see how an argument with this woman would unfold.

They head for the building, stepping through the doorframe as the glass was shattered across the floor, watching their step as they enter the dark quiet building with sleek slab flooring. A large unlit chandelier hung high above center of the room, and towards the back was a large receptionist desk just by the stairwell and elevator.

They rush up the stairs, their heavy footsteps echoing in the cramped chamber of cement as they eventually reach the 10th floor, bursting through the doors with their weapons aimed as they rush through the disheveled office room to the large window ahead. Nadja kicks some debris out the way, clearing the area as she lowers her body into a prone position on her stomach, Konig slowly dropping next to her as he takes out his rifle, his shotgun strapped and laying across his back.

They set the rifle stands, pulling their shoulders close to the buck as they aim down their sights. "You ready?" She asks, looking over to him as he begins to fidget.

"Not really."

"C'mon Tobi, we gotta do this quick."

"Sorry, it's just... This is a semi-auto sniper rifle. I don't think I'll do much damage from this distance."

"Why the hell do you have a semi-auto?" She asks, lifting her head as she looks to him with frustration, scanning the gun.

"I'm... not very good with a sniper." He replies, a shyness in his tone.

"Well, you're gonna learn today." She whispers aggressively, sitting up to her knees as she takes his weapon, replacing it with her bolt-action rifle. It was much more aggressive than his, longer and much more powerful, and not to mention; not a semi-auto.

She lays back down, positioning his semi-auto into her shoulder as they aim together.

"Okay, we're not too far, I'd say maybe 200 yards. Go ahead and aim at those two soldiers in the top left corner of the inner wall--they're alone and easy for target practice." She says, looking through the scope as Konig finds his target.

"I see them." He whispers.

"Perfect. This should be easy for you, I have a BDC scope for the specific weight of my bullets."

"BDC?" Konig repeats in question.

"Bullet drop compensation--it's those dashes in the cross you see center of the scope. Alright, time for some math."

"Ich kann's kaum erwarten." Konig says with sarcasm.

Nadja smiles as her eye looks through the scope. "It's okay, I'll do it for you. So remember I said we're about 200 yards-- bullet drop starts at about 100, so you're gonna want to aim one tick above the target. And from my experience, all bullets seem to drift slightly to the right, so move half a tick to the left, and aim for the head."

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