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In a star, there is a world, within it an island; nicknamed "Neverland" by the wandering dreamers. Humans do not inhabit it, only mermaids, fairies, wild animals an a kraken that protects its coasts.

Centuries ago, the mermaids were allies of the Octopus -beings both terrestrial and marine- which unlike the scaled girls didn't use their voice for magic, but tentacles to create potions an rituals of rock and salt.

The Octopuses slowly became extinct, under the eternal rainbows of the bay, only one was left standing on its eight tentacles, Meredith who after her half millennium birthday decided to treat herself to breaking one of the rules of Neverland "never bring humans" because no one of her kind could stop her anymore.

One day, while looking at the curiosities of the human world through the mirror of the water, she paid attention to a child. He was exhausted from crying so much, leaning against the wall of the stairs of his house, shadows behind him indicated a terrible fight between his breeders, his face bruised. Meredith made a decision that would change everything, bring the child to the island, and give him the love that no one had dared to give him before.

If humans were banned from Neverland, it meant that they had to have been there once before. She took her old jars and books, she just had to find a way to bring him to her without leaving the star.

The ritual required five things: a mirror, mermaid's tears, sea foam, and fairy dust. If her interest was to just bring the young boy for just a few decades, the recipe would have stopped there but because in Meredith's long life, years were like minutes she accepted the last step of the potion sacrificing one of her six hearts so the young boy could stay there forever if he wanted.

Once she had all the ingredients, she waited for the child to go to sleep and placed the concoction on top of the mirror, it sank into the reflection returning a bubble where the boy slept, now under the waters of the island.

The Octopus took the bubble in her hands and took it to the mainland, where it broke when it came into contact with the air. The boy woke up after a few minutes, confused, coughing and twisting his little body on the sand while Meredith watched him curiously from the water. The sun was bright and deafening, but after a few seconds he spotted her.

-Are you a siren? - he asked.

-Haha, no. But I can introduce you to some if you want to meet them later. What is your name, little one?

-P-peter... I don't remember my last name. Mom rarely calls me by it- answered the child, while sitting up.

-You don't have to worry about that anymore, I'll be your new mother from now on – Meredith moved closer to shore and showed herself. Peter freaked out and crawled back when he saw the tentacles behind her. – Are you afraid of Octopuses, Peter?

-N-no... I don't think so. Sorry, that was rude of me. W-where am I?

-This is "Neverland" as humans called it. Here no one will hurt you or tell you what to do.

-But... if you are my new mom, shouldn't you tell me what to do?

-Just if what you are doing might hurt you, then I'll tell you to stop. – The octopus extended her hand full of seaweed. – Eat, you must be hungry.

Even though the child looked at it with disgust, he took one and chewed it. He smiled dolefully but gratefully.

-Thanks Mo... what is your name?

-Meredith. But you can just call me mom. Now, take this. – From her necklace she took a small leather bag with a little bottle inside- It's your medicine, you must take this every day, all right?

Hooked (english sub) - Peter x Garfio fanficWhere stories live. Discover now