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- James-  muttered Pan, slowly opening his eyes from his hanging bed, which James had arranged with homemade feather pillows underneath and on either side of him.

- Here I am,- the black-haired man replied excitedly, approaching him with a bowl of soup and a bowl of water. Peter was still drowsy, but as soon as he focused on him he smiled.

- How long did I sleep?

- Mom says you should still rest. Here- she said, bringing the bowl of water to Peter's mouth, who drank it with still tiredness and clumsiness. At least he was no longer unconscious, James feared that he would drown when he gave him a drink while he was asleep. - It's only been two days.

- I see,- said Peter, staring into the emptiness after drinking, melancholy, as if realizing what had happened.

- I'm sorry . - James said, breaking the ice of the silence between them.

- Why? - Peter asked, resting his honey-boiled eyes on him.

- You know why. For backing out... at the last minute. Peter smiled.

- No one is forcing you to do anything, James, it's just that? - I wouldn't have done it either if I knew you wouldn't- he said finally.

After a paused silence, James added.

- There may be a cure.

- Forget it James

- But...

- What's done is done- interrupted Pan, -I'll learn to live with it. How bad can it be? - he smiled, but seconds later a twinge in his chest forced him to squirm.

-Ah, what... -

-Pete! - James held him by the shoulders and settled him on the cushions. Peter had already acted sore while he was unconscious. But this seemed to be worse.

At that moment Peter's eyes lit up, and he looked behind James in fright, staring at a fixed point. James slowly turned around, still holding his friend. And a shiver ran down his back like ice.

A shadow, to be more precise, Peter's shadow, was standing against the wall, watching them with non-existent eyes from the gloom, using the moonlight behind Peter as a contrast to make himself out.

Peter shivered, James was too tense, even to do that.

The shadow began to walk around the walls of the room until it came as close to them as it could, once it was in front of Peter it dipped under him, faking its real shadow produced by the light from the window.

Peter pushed the james aside to stumble down from the gurney. His shadow was still off-kilter at first, but then it was settling in. Peter's expression had so far mutated from utter terror to curiosity, but then something occurred that filled James with chills.

- Jha, hahahaha- Peter began to laugh out loud, almost maniacally watching the shadow, which wasn't laughing, it was still watching him, and then mimicked his laughter offhandedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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