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GOLDEN RAYS BEAMED through the thin curtains, settling on the red-heads skin and hair, making her sparkle. jack looked at her in admiration as he dried his hair roughly with a towel. he was already dressed, ready to go and see the boys and start training for the day.

as much as he wanted to stay and cuddle with zara, his commitment and love for football was overpowering. also, how could he let the boys down and be late?

writing her a quick note, he left it on top of her phone to make sure she'd see it and headed downstairs for training.

when he reached the changing rooms, the rest of the lads were already getting ready. "good night jack?" chilly asked, smirking.

"better have been, you kept us all up" mason complained jokingly.

"let's not forget you and aaliyah making noise now" jack raised a finger, face adorning a grin. "but yeah, pretty good night lads" a few of them cheered him on as he pulled of his top to change into his training kit.

"fucking hell mate, must've been a good night" sterling exclaimed, causing everyone else to look at him. his back was covered in red lines, etched into his skin by a certain someone's nails.

"what?" he asked, clueless. he twisted his head around to see his back in the mirror, eyes going wide when he saw himself. he blushed, slightly embarrassed but also not too fussed because it was only the boys. "i'm just that good" he smirked, earning a shirt thrown at him by rashford.

back in his room, zara awoke, rolling over to where she thought jack was, being surprised when she felt the empty mattress. sitting up, she scanned the room, "jack?" she asked groggily, still tired from the night before. her eyes landed on the note on top of her phone and she reached over, reading the messy handwriting.

sorry love, had to go to training. if you need to stay you can, if not it's cool. feel free to take my clothes. i enjoyed last night x
- jack xx

standing up, she stretched her body out before entering the bathroom. she took a long, hot shower, making sure to take advantage of the fancy hotel shampoo and conditioner. she used jack's body wash, enjoying the smell of it.

after washing, she changed into some of his joggers and a big hoodie of his. she sprayed his cologne on her before gathering her things. she sent him a quick text saying she was going, but she'd see him soon and then left.

girl where u been???

fr bby
how was his dick

so good
i'm omw home now


saw ur note ur cute x
i'm omw home now n i stole ur clothes xx

the boys all saw the work u did on my back x

now it's even
my neck is fucked
it's purple


ur gonna have to buy me a new concealer
mine is gonna run out from covering them up

i'll buy you 1000
not like i can't afford it xxx

ur head is so far up ur own arse xxx

jealous? xoxo

shut up gossip girl

go piss girl x

too tired to deal w u rn

wore u out last night then

i could walk fine thismorning x


like i said,
so far up ur own arse xxx

see u later xx

ofc xx

ZARA GRINNED DOWN at her phone as she entered the flat. "honey, i'm home"

her two best friends came running like dogs, hounding her with questions. "how big was he?"

"did he actually make you cum?"

"did he know where the clit was?"

"did you piss after?"

after shutting them both down, she went into her room and started packing her things away, her two flat mates sat in her bed watching intently, waiting for some answers to their questions.

after she was done, she laid opposite the two on her bed and giggled as soon as she saw their faces. "it was amazing" she gazed dreamily. "like, i actually came and he knew where the clit was. and fuck, he's just so hot"

"aww" her friends cooed.

"but he wasn't there in the morning" her friends frowned, "he had training don't worry, he left a note"

"and you stole his clothes?" they pointed to her outfit.

"of course, had to take advantage" she smirked.

jackgrealish work hard, play hard 🦁🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿638,885 likes | 3,785 comments

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jackgrealish work hard, play hard 🦁🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
638,885 likes | 3,785 comments

user1 roadman jack 🥷

user2 lenggg

sterling7 on fire broo

masonmount we heard u playing hard mate
- jackgrealish i could say the same

england 🦁🦁🦁

user3 on 🔝 bro

zarawilliams more clothes to add to my rob list
- jackgrealish whatever u want x
- user4 oh?

user5 check out my page for hot pics 🍑🍒🍆😏

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