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Luna:"Your Highness! Please keep a distance from it!"

Grey:"The Flame Dragon's dead...what could have done this?"

Hamilton:"My Lady, look here!" She called out, the group went over to see the commotion.

Grey:"Slash marks from a blade, from a large one by the looks of it."

Piña:"How could the dragon have fallen? No army would fight such a beast." She then looked at the Captain.

Piña:"Captain Luna, could this have been the work of the green knight?"

Panache:"Impossible, there's no way a single man could have brought the Flame Dragon down, let alone behead it. That's a guaranteed death wish." While many agreed with her, Luna wasn't so convinced by the facts she spoke.

Luna:"While I agree with what the Lady Panache is saying, it could have been him. He tore through our army with ease and then fought off those otherworldly monsters by himself."

Grey:"A one man army then?"

Piña:"Calm yourselves, it's not like we came to fight the man. We're here to delegate on behalf of the Empire, not make an enemy like my brother wishes to do. Let's continue on, we must be close to the village."

The group took one last look at the slained beast as they continued on their journey to meet the Doom Slayer. Only problem was, he was long gone from the village.


It's been a few days since the Slayer last left but to Tyuule, it felt longer than that. She was still a bit saddened by the Slayer incapable of feeling love or any emotion besides rage. Nevertheless, she still accepts him into her village should he return. Whilst daydreaming of him, she was brought forward news by one of her scouts.

Bunny Warrior:"My Queen! The flag of the Empire has been spotted, no sizeable army but a mere force of Knights."

Tyuule:"Knights? And what of them?"

Bunny Warrior:"They consisted of mainly woman and a few men, Princess Piña is leading them."

Tyuule:"The youngest daughter? What could be so important that the Emperor had her sent here?"

Bunny Warrior:"It could be about the defeats of two of their armies, My Lady."


Rory appeared inside of her throne room, word reaching her about the envoy.

Rory:"I doubt it, don't you think you're forgetting something else? Maybe someone?" She asked. It didn't take for Tyuule to realize who it was about.

Tyuule:"The Doom Slayer! Someone must have gone back and spread the word about him. This is bad."

Rory:"How so?"

Tyuule:"He destroyed an entire army of theirs, it would only be natural of them to retaliate."

Rory:"I doubt it, it's only tiny force. It's too big for any type of scout force being sent ahead of an army. Let's go out there and see what they want."

Tyuule:"Alright, but if the situation arises, can I spend on you for support?"

Rory:"If I didn't then the Slayer would have my head, I'd rather not take the chance with someone like him."

Tyuule:"Very well, let's go. Call for Delilah and get a guard ready. Mamina and Parna will await my command to defend us in any attack."

Bunny Warrior:"As you wish, Your Highness!"


Outside the Village gate.

Grey:"A bit lively aren't they?" He noted. Dozens of Bunny Warriors all lined up along the village walls that the Slayer himself built.

Doom Slayer x GATE:Thus the JSDF fought there. Where stories live. Discover now