[Part One] Chapter One: Paranormal Threat

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"Ramirez!" A loud voice thundered. "I need a location."

Ramirez looks up from his Mounted Assured Positioning (MAPS) "Yes sir?" Ramirez replied. "What's our location?" He asked walking around the MRAP and standing next to Ramirez. "Well, the system is going haywire. GPS is inactive, and Satellite Link is unstable. Sounds like a paranormal affair, especially when there are no mountains or magnetic soils in the area." Ramirez said. "You're sure about this? I'm not going to dial AROPRA (AIR-OH-PRE-UH) unless we have to." The captain of the fireteam informed. "I know sir but-" Ramirez stopped talking mid-sentence, above them was a creature. It was flying about a good 100 MPH and about a few hundred feet away. "Yeah, that's paranormal alright," Ramirez said. "I'll contact headquarters for further investigation." The captain sighed and picked up his long-wave radio. Probably the only thing working in their location. He stepped into the front seats of the MRAP. Moments later he started to form words by the look on his face. Due to him being inside and Ramirez outside all, he could see was his mouth moving. A scream was heard and uncontrolled gunfire abrupted "AGH. S*** S*** OH CRA-" As the sound of thud and rocks was heard. Ramirez along with Lt. Dawson P; Marksmen Jason L; and Riflemen John Parker, darted towards the scream. They found Machine Gunner Henry D. had fallen down a ditch. Ramirez rolled his eyes. "You good Henry?" Dawson Asked. "Yeah, damn gun tipped me down the slope." He grunted and the team pulled him up. "Next time, watch your balance," Parker said "Hey team, I radioed headquarters. An investigation team is coming down here. In the meanwhile, we are going to wait for the IA team." Ramirez told the team. 

A few hours later a group of 2 black-out SUVs rambled down the rough uneven dirt path of the thick forest. They pulled over and came to a stop behind the SUV. "Took you guys long enough." The commander said tired and impatiently. "Sorry about that commander. Takes a long time, and GPS and SAT links are all down. Hard to find you guys." The agent said. "Ramirez! Get the photos you took." The Commander ordered. In a few seconds Ramirez came back with the photos. "Here you go sir," Ramirez said. "As you can see agent.." He paused. "Agent Carson." The Agent corrected Commander Reeves. "As you can see Agent Carson, we spotted a UFHO. Unidentified Flying Humanoid Object. Around 2 hours ago, at 8:00 AM. I don't know what it is but it was going fast and had no interest in us."

"Hopefully it won't cause us any issues."

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