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Sage's pov
Great, not only am I pissed off with Rania, but I can't leave the bed room, cause the sunrise was red. The bane of every sailors existants, red sky in morning sailors take warning. It was an aggressive thunderstorm and there were some points when I thought we were gonna die. Friend came into the room at the peak of the storm, half naked from the waist up, a strip of gauze wrapped around their chest. "I was supposed to start preening today, but with the storm I can't really do that, and I thought you were lonely." She said, drying off with a towel. "Thank hun, how's the new girl?" I asked knowing her wings would get damaged in the heavy wind rain, "Managing somehow, she managed to protect her wings with her cloak, and she helping Momma on the deck. She and Momma, tied a rope around their waists to anker them to the boat." They replied sitting next to me in the bed, and started preening their feather. "What are you reading? Maps? Cather in the Rye? Scrolls?" They asked moving to her other arm. "No I'm reading a book of old proficiencies that Papa gave me, it's in old Enderian Varscokian though so it's more difficult but I'm managing." I replied showing Friend the translation paper I had, and the papers of the proficiencies I had translated already. "Oh wow this is a long one, can I read it?" Friend asked stopping her preening. "Sure go on ahead, I just translated that one." I replied passing the paper over to them.

"The darken void to be filled with fire and flames, a lonely castle once quiet and dark, filled with sounds and light of hardship and battle, the dark pillars erect from ground beneath hold the key to battle so grieve, no mobs to be slain, though one to be tamed, by a woman who has held such moral destain to the noble title that give a woman the status of Queen"

I mouthed along with Friend, smiling, I looked up at her, readjusting the braids on my head. "Cryptic isn't it?" I ask making a face cause I couldn't translate the rest of the proficiency I was working on. "From my blood the prince that was promised..." I muttered trying piece together the rest of the proficiency. I decided to make a joke out it. "Well I'm afraid I'm not a prince." I chuckled looking at friend. They took the paper out of my hand. "Well I'm afraid your translation is not quite accurate Mum. The proper translation for this one would be." Friend stopped reading over the passage.

"From my blood the prince or princess that was promised will bring the dawn"

They said, handing the paper back to me. "You know old Enderain Varskovian?" I asked surprised. "No I don't, but about a year after I hatched, I came across a translated version of the proficiency in a market store." They replied going back to preening. "You were a difficult kid to keep in place, Rania and I had a hard time keeping you in one spot, we were only 13 though, but a you were a little troublemaker as a child." I giggled. We had a good laugh, before going back to our respected activities. A few hours later a knock came to the door which alerted both of us. "It's momma." Friend sighed, getting up and opening the door. "Hey guys, uh the storm is over, Madilyn is retightening sails, right now, just thought I ought to tell you." Rania said walking in changing. Her hair was in a bun when we got back and it was now soaked, much like her clothes. I got up from my spot on the bed, grabbed the hair stuff and started on her hair. We weren't silent for most of the time, but she eventually did break the silence. "If I overstepped I'm sorry, but an info broker is so valuable to have as bounty hunters, she can help us on missions that can get us killed." She said looking at me in the mirror. "And I say until we know she is not branded with the queens crest, we can't trust her." I replied gently, pulling her braids back into a bun. "Then we ask her, the queen brands everyone of her minions on their back." She proposed, as I put the hair stuff back. "Fine but until then I don't trust her." I replied, cleaning my hands off, and leaving the cabin.

*timeskip to that night*

Being nocturnal has its ups and downs, being a hybrid has its ups and downs. I don't necessarily have to sleep at night, but to keep my human side happy, I sleep anyways. Some nights tho I just can't sleep, and on those nights, I man the ship, while Rania sleeps in the cabin, and friend sleeps in the crows nest. It was different having a new person on the ship but so was being in the middle of an ocean being a hybrid of a human and creature that will die in water. I rubbed my eyes, looking around to see if there were any hostile creatures. I heard a flutter behind me, which startled me. I turned around and saw Madilyn, landing on the dock. "I know I wasn't asked but I went to see if there any bad incoming weather, or if land was nearby. About 600 kilometers east there's an island that we can stop at, if we need to do repairs." She said, looking at me. I nodded, turning back to the wheel. "Ok I know you don't like me, and you have every reason not to Iike me. I know your the girl that the queen has been looking for, I could've ratted you out to somebody, I could have taken the medallion and given it to somebody else. I didn't, listen we're both in sticky situation, all I'm asking is that you give me a chance, look." She said turning around and showing me her back. Sure enough there was no mark what so ever. "I'm not with the queen, I never have been, just please let me help you." She begged, looking desperate. It took a second for me to get my reply out, cause I was trying to give her a good answer. "I was raised by Technoblade, I was raised on anarchy, I don't like the way the queen leads, and rules. She took my birth parents from me when I was only 3 months old. I survived cause she saw no point in killing me. These braids, are a sign of victory, my papa braided my hair before I left with Rania and Friend. One braid is for surviving what I went through as a baby, and the other is for beating my papa in battle. I was raised to not trust anybody, until they can prove they are trustworthy. I'm sorry for being so hostile but that was what I was raised on." I replied looking at her, desperate to hear her responses "I don't blame you, I don't blame Friend for hating me, but I just want to help." Madilyn replied marking on the map where this island was. I nodded vering the ship that way so I could get to the island and get some supplies. "When we get to the island you guard the ship, make sure that nobody gets on, not a soul but me, understand?" I asked, looking at her. She nodded going to her room. I was in for a long night, but a peaceful night.

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