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"What's that?" Ellie asks and the group turns to a someone banging against a door. Joel walks over and opens it, nothing being there.

"You're going inside?!"

"I wanna see if there's anything we can use." Joel walks up the stairs and Ellie follows after him.

Parker's turns to Quinn, his hands on his hips.

"How'd you know the way through the sewer?" He asks sternly.

"It was a guess." Quinn says, turning away from him.

"You looked too confident for it to be a guess. Quinn what ever is it you can just tell me alright?" Quinn doesn't answer, slowly starting to get tired of them asking.

"Please just tel us, you need to tell us what you were talking to Marlene about when we picked up Ellie as well."

"Why do you care so much."

"We just want to know Quinn, we won't get mad alright?"

"Maybe you should just Parker, Quinn. You don't have to tell Joel yet." Quinn yet again doesn't answer and Parker continues to push her to talk.

"Fine!" She snaps, whipping around to face Parker, "I used to be a Firefly! Is that what you wanted to fucking hear?! I knew the way out of the damn subway because I'd been there before and I was talking to Marlene because I used to fucking work for her! Is that a good enough answer for you?!"

"You used to be a Firefly?" The oh so well timed sound of Joel's stern accent reached them. Quinn freezes, her eyes widening.

"Uhm..n-no?" She stutters out, turning to face Joel.

"Quinn why didn't you tell me that? This is serious!" His voice gets louder and sterner and Quinn flinches back slightly.

"I didn't tell you for this exact reason.." She mumbles, looking down at her hands.

"How long where you a Firefly?"

"Like..three years?"

"You managed to hide it from me for three years?"


"Quinn we're going to have a serious talk about this later," Joel says with, what they can't tell if it's stern or angry, tone to this voice, "Let's just get to Bill's."


"Shit Watch out!" A clicker stumbles towards them and Joel pulls out his gun quickly. Before the clicker can get to them it stumbles into a wire and it completely explodes.

"What was that?!" Ellie whisper yells, Looking up at Joel.

"That was one of Bill's traps. Just watch where you're walking and you should be fine." They walk through the abandoned area and climb on top of some buildings, jumping down and walking into another building.

Joel opens the door and there's a snap, Joel looking down and realize he's stepped right in the middle of one of Bill's traps. He gets pulled up into the air with a yell and the rest of them run into the room.

Parker holds Joel so he doesn't keep swinging and says, "Ellie! The fridge, it's the counterweight!"

Ellie nods and runs over to the fridge, Vivian running over as well to help her.

There's screaming and the sound of people banging against a chain fence.

"Oh shit! Ellie! Vivian!"

"We're trying!" The two try and hack away at the rope holding up the fridge faster as runners and clickers start to make their way over and through the fence. Quinn pulls out her gun and starts shooting at the guys, Joel and Parker pulling out their guns as well.

"Shit!" Ellie yells as the fridge falls onto its side and Joel gets pulled further into the air.

"Joel!" Parker cries out, trying to grab him and pull him down.

"Just help the girls cut the rope!" He shoots at the infected along side Quinn.

"Got it!" The rope snaps and Joel falls to the ground, only to be grabbed by a Runner. Just as the infected was about to bite him it's head gets cut off by a machete.

"Bill?!?" Parker yells, looking over at him.

"Come on! No time to chat!"

~at bills because I am far too lazy to write all of that so Yas~

As soon as they get into his safe room Bill turns to Ellie and says, "Don't touch anything."

She scoffs and walks off, Quinn and Vivian following behind her.

"How come you never told Joel about you being a Firefly?" Ellie asks Quinn, glancing over at a stack of Bill's magazines. Quinn gives Ellie a look and turns away, Still blaming Ellie for Tess's death. Vivian sighs and Quinn sits down away from the group.

Vivian sees Quinn pull out her journal and start writing in it, Knowing something must be wrong if she's writing.

"Don't take it personally Ellie, Quinn was just really close to Tess and her death is throwing Quinn off. She'll warm up to you eventually." Vivian assures Ellie with a soft smile on her face.

"I hope so.." Ellie mumbles, looking through a pile of Bill's magazines. Vivian rubs Ellie's back softly and then moves to the other side of the table to look at the magazines.

"Hey! What did I say when we walked down the stairs?" Bill yells over at Ellie and Vivian.

"Fuck you! I was just organizing your stupid magazine pile!" Ellie yells back, Vivian bursting out in quiet laughter.

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