Begining of the world tour/ richelle bullied

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Ozzys pov
I wake up to see Richelle smile I get at me, I kiss her shower and get dressed, today we're flying to Tokyo for the first leg of our world tour. I can't wait , Richelle gets dressed and we come out of her and pipers room. Me and Richelle are sharing a room for the world tour, so are the other couples. I dive us to the studio, piper stayed at Finns last night so he's driving her to the studio. We go to the airport and go through security, me and Richelle get some snacks for the journey, we wait in the lounge for our gate to be called. A girl looks at me and says " wow you have a good taste in girls, staying with an ugly slut like that when you could so easily have me". I stand up and yell " how dare you, you're just jealous you're not as talented or beautiful as her, her name is Richelle she's the love of my life, and 100 times the person you'll ever be". I sit down next to Richelle and pull her onto my lap, i dry her tears and and hug her.

Richelles pov
I look at ozzy and say " thank you so much babe, you're the best boyfriend ever, sticking up for me like that". He kisses me and says " hey I was only telling the truth, you are absolutely gorgeous and my future wife". We board the plane and ozzy gets the window seat, my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep on Ozzys shoulder, I fell him kiss my head ,and smile, I never thought it would be possible to this in love or this happy but I am and Ozzys the reason for that. I wake up, the plane lands in Tokyo, we get our luggage and get a minibus to our hotel, me and ozzy have dinner and go up to our room again, we took our bags up there before dinner. I look at ozzy and say " I'm going to have a bath, fell free to join me", I lealeave the door ajar and fell some arms around my waist, I smile and we remove our clothes and get in the bath". Ozzy pulls me into him, I kiss him, and he says " wow I never ever thought I'd ever be sharing a bath with you, you're beautiful and I'm just me". I say " ozzy I'm sick of everyone sing how amazing you are other than you, you're hot, kind, friendly, thoughtful ,caring, kind and one of the best people I've ever met".

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