Chapter 3

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Well, boy was Langa wrong! Reki had done nothing but neglect Langa throughout the following week. Langa still trailed along after Reki but every single thing that they'd used to do together; Reki had invited Asher, Zeke and Emile to join them! Whether that be them eating on the rooftop or watching Skating videos in class. What had hurt Langa the most was when Reki had invited the skating trio to their skatepark that Thursday. That's right, their skatepark.

Langa felt the betrayal seeping into his gut. The strange feeling devouring his insides. It felt familiar but it had a venomous sting to it. Was he jealous? He couldn't be! He wanted Reki to be happy! He didn't want to lose Reki. Not like last time. He had hurt his precious redhead a lot but they had amended their broken friendship.

The truth was- Langa was scared. He had already lost his father and snowboarding and he had lost Reki once too. He was fortunate enough to have Reki back and he cherished it. But if he was to lose Reki again... He wasn't sure if he could handle it.

Today was a Friday, which helped Langa feel a little bit better. S was on today and Langa was sure that the others wouldn't be allowed in since they needed a pass. It wasn't like they would get one anyways. They were only here temporarily. Langa felt his pride glow. He was finally going to have Reki all to himself tonight after a long week of enduring this abandonment.

"Hey Reki," Langa smiled as Reki sat down in his allocated seat beside him.

"Hello to you too, Langa!" Reki returned the greeting as he dropped his bag down behind his chair.

"Listen, Reki, there's something I need to tell you."

"Go on." Reki's eyes shimmered as he turned to face Langa. God, how Langa had missed that! How Reki used to look at him always made his stomach flutter. It was nice to feel that sensation again.

"So tonight is S and I was wondering if you wanted to skate with me," Langa looked down slightly to hide the blush that rose to his cheeks. Why did it feel like he was asking Reki out on a date?

"Oh that's great! It's been a while!" Reki beamed but his smile soon faltered into a frown "But Asher, Zeke and Emile won't be able to come, though."

Langa's eyes flared but he attempted to contain his composure. Of course Reki would ask about them! "I meant just us two. Like how it usually is," Langa replied, emphasising the 'usually'.

"Man... I guess!" Reki sighed. "They're not free tonight anyways. They said something about a student report back to their American school."

Langa subtly smiled at his chance "Thank you."

Like he thought so earlier, Today won't be so bad after all.


"Ready?" Langa asked as he stood patiently by Reki's window to see his red hair skating down the short slope.

"Ready!" Reki replied. They began to skate out of his garden and into the streets, heading towards S.

Reki grinned happily as he skated past Langa with ease. They both laughed loudly as they went faster and faster down the streets of Okinawa.

Langa could feel himself smiling as well. Even if he was still a little jealous, he was happy.

They were nearly halfway through the city when Reki suddenly came to a halt and almost fell on his ass. Langa skidded to a stop beside him and grabbed his hand to keep him from falling. His heart rate spiked as Reki held onto his hand, staring up at him with a bright smile.

"Sorry! I got carried away!" Reki giggled.

Reki pulled his hand back quickly and Langa released a sigh as he watched Reki skate up ahead. He hadn't noticed that he had been holding his breath until he gasped for air. The tightness in his chest easing.

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