seven: queen in finding

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“everything i have loved, became everything i have lost.”



“Am I a good warrior, Abbu?” A young Yasmine asked her father.

“I'm sure you will become one, some day, Meri Shehzaadi.” He replied.

“How do I become one then, Abbu?” Yasmine asked him, eager for an answer.

“Do you want to know, Yasmine?” He questioned her in return.

The young Yasmine nodded, her doe eyes shining with curiosity. Her father shook his head fondly and sat with her on her bed.

“A great warrior is not one who slays armies or conquers nations. Rather, a great warrior is one who slays her own demons and conquers her own fears.” The Sultan said.

“But what if I can't do these things? Am I not a good warrior?” Yasmine asked, her voice devoid of her enthusiasm.

“Then you will find someone who helps you to do these things, who will help you to become a good warrior.” The Sultan told Yasmine.

“I want to find the someone right now, Abbu. We must make haste. What if my someone gets lost somewhere?” Yasmine asked innocently.

“If someone is meant to be yours, no power in the world can stop them from finding you. But, it is your job to hold them tight when they finally find you.” The Sultan assured her.


“Am I a good warrior, Abbu?” An older Yasmine asked the stars above her.

She was greeted with nothing but the pale moonlight on her skin.

“Can I be a good warrior now?” She paused, as if waiting for an answer.

“I lost my someone.” Yasmine cried to the stars.

“I lost the one I was supposed to hold tight.” Yasmine whispered to the stars.

“Can you give him back to me, Abbu?” Yasmine prayed to the stars.

She needed to pick herself up. To put all her pieces together and hope that they hold themselves together before she is ready for them to fall again. All of that without her Kala Chor. She had lost him to Zafar yet again and Yasmine wasn't sure if she'd be able to recover again.

Aladdin had claimed his right over all her smiles and it felt right for him to continue to do that.

It had been two days since she smiled last. Since she saw him smile his last.

Somehow everything Yasmine loved was fated to be taken away from her. Her Abbu, her Kala Chor and her Baghdad. Yasmine could bring the former two back but the latter was her birthright and she would snatch it from the one who stole it from her.

“A warrior mourns his losses after he has avenged them.”

The wazir had said to her the night she lost the two most important men in her life. Both to Zafar. Her cursed luck took one away and her blind rage took another.

Everytime she closed her eyes she saw the ones he took away. The ones he killed and yet the blood was on her hands.

Yasmine had heard tales of tragedy, of empires being burnt to the ground, of gods being killed on their feet, of loves being separated, of monsters and terrible things but she'd never heard one like hers.

Her story was heartache and war. Every minute of her life was a fight for something. It was her father's favorite quality of her. That she was a fighter. And that was it.

She was a fighter.

Yasmine had become a soldier.

She never thought there was a difference between the two before. They were quite similar after all, but never the same.

In her mind, a fighter chose to stand for what they thought was right, or what they supported. But a soldier? A soldier fought battles that aren't her own and for people who might've cared about her.

A fighter could stop if she wanted to, but a soldier couldn't. Fighters were born with fire in their blood and soldiers were forged with tragedy. Yasmine knew she was the latter. She had become the latter.

But she was taking back control now. She would decide when she fought and for how long. She was done being a soldier, fighting battles thrust on her and being the victim of war. She was done fighting to lose. She would fight, and she would win.

Yasmine would become the queen she was destined to be.

Zafar had been mistreating her people for too long. They needed their queen and Yasmine was no one to deny them of their right.

The throne had been covered in dirt for too long. It was time to clean every stain on it and it was time for it to be claimed by its rightful successor.

Yasmine was going to rain down fire on that wicked man. She was going to burn him where he stood and erase his existence. All that would remain of him would be that he was gone.

Yasmine gathered the Toli. A queen needs her people and they were all of her people now. Her kingdom would be hers soon. But not before she punished Zafar.

For all he had done and was planning to do, she was going to make him regret being born and crave death.

Zafar had seen her mercy, he would feel her wrath now.

He should've known better than to mess with her. He should've known better than to harm the ones she loved. But he didn't.

She would write him a fate so terrible that even the devil would flinch.

The queen had to deliver justice to the innocent, Yasmine would mourn her losses later.

She Would

Burn Him

To Ashes.


that's it for the chapter! i hope you liked it! im not sure if anyone even reads this lmao :') but if you do, im really very grateful that you chose this book and i hope you continue to choose it.

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updates might be a little spaced out (more than usual) till march of next year since i have 12th boards coming up, and i haven't studied anything. any new updates will be on my message board. come chat in the comments if you want to. love you guys <3

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stay tuned for the next chapter! now bye!

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