Teaser 2023

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"State your full name

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"State your full name."

"Makar Aliah Nikiforov." I answered.


"Twenty one" I muttered looking around the empty room. Nothing but a table that has my wrist handcuffs in the center. I boredly tug on them already dismissing the interrogation.

"You know why you're here?" The old detective asked and I yawn.

"For attempted murder, vandalism, breaking and entering and assault with a deadly weapon even though I feel like I shouldn't be charge with that since it practically the same thing as attempted murder." I spoke, leaning my head down a little to itch my head.

"Ha; unlike the rest of your family members they usually play dumb." He said and I shrug my shoulder.

"I don't have to play dumb knowing I'm getting out of a easy situation." I stated.

"You're a walking Tyrant I don't think you're going to get out of this one." He said with a serious look on his face.

I lean back in my seat giving him a calm smile

"Thank you for the compliment."

Coming soon February 2023Book 3 of "Nanny Dearest" series

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Coming soon February 2023
Book 3 of "Nanny Dearest" series.

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