Chapter Three Inconvenience

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"169.56 is your total." That cashier said as I paid for it swiping my card.

"Thank you." Nori said pushing what once was my cart now hers.

"No problem. " I muttered looking around the parking lot. I had spotted my car and Nori's; she had her down a few cars between ours. Walking to her car she pop her trunk using her keys while the both of us started to get ready putting the bags in.

Once I was done I was about to take the cart back but Nori yank it towards her having me focus my attention on her.

"You should come help me with my groceries." Nori add. This is her little attempt of kidnapping me. Have me do something for her and end up doing other shit to spend time with her.

"Amir can't help you?" I asked because who don't help their girl with the groceries.

"He's busy his job have him working overtime for the holidays." She whined and I squinted my eyes.

"He cant get up-

"You can't just come over?" Nori spoke sounding a little frustrated. I let out a dry ass laugh.

"Belova and Meela is at my house." I told her and her sassy expression she wore changed into a soft one.

"Tell them I said hi." She smiled genuinely before point her finger in my face. "Don't block me again." She demanded and I nod my head. Nori made a half diamond shape with her index and middle finger expecting me to do our hand shake. I wouldn't really call it a handshake we just put our fingers again to make a diamond.

Which I did completing the other half earning a bright smile for her.

"I missed you Kari." She called me by the nickname she gave me since we were 8.

"Mhm missed you too...." I closed my eyes letting out a sigh. "You still need help?" I asked and she perked but smirked.

"But the girls are at your-

"Belova thirteen. She old enough to watch Meela." I interrupt her seeing the smile she hold widens.

"Follow me then." Her voice rang as she got in her car. Letting out a soft sigh turning around walking to the hellcat. Getting in I run the temple of my head.

I understand what my uncle means when he said he needs a blunt.

Hearing a honk I fixed my eyes around the parking lot landing on Nori car with her hand waving indicating for me to follow.

So I did.

The drive wasn't that long about what? Thirty minutes. The neighborhood she lived in called Boah gardens rows of suburban houses line up along with their blue trash bin on the edge of their drive through.

I followed Nori car for another five minutes before she pulled in her drive away as I parked mine by the side walk. 

Getting out the hellcat I walked over towards the trunk of Nori car while she pop the trunk. My eyes shift to her getting out fixing her afro fwhile she closed the car door. She was about to walk over to me but I shoot her a glare warning a giggle from her. Nori nods her head going to the front door unlocking it.

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