Traded off (prt 1)

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"¡Esto no es jodidamente justo, soy la mejor en este maldito equipo, me necesitas y ambos lo sabemos!"
Y/n Santos

Nov. 11, 2007

After my first World Cup with Brazil I was traded off to the Mexico team, which isn't fair, they went behind my back and talked shit.
My manager knew the whole time, I was just traded like I was a fucking basketball card, not even the good kind.

"Y/n calm down."

"I'm not going to calm down!
They need me! And you! You knew
this whole time and you didn't tell me!"

"You shouldn't be angry with me!
I got you a great chance to be big!"

"Get the fuck out of my face!"

Many people say I have a bad temper, and I don't disagree, because I know I do, it's part of the chance I got into soccer, the other reason was because my dad loved it, it was his favorite thing in the world, and since I was the only child and he had no sons I decided I wanted to make him proud and play soccer, but before I could show him I got drafted into the women's National Portugal team he passed sadly.


I walked out of the car only to await I big crowd of paparazzi and others cramming all over me, "Y/n, how do you feel about getting traded to the Mexico team?" Said one reporter, "Y/n, are you glad you made it here?" Said another, obviously me not wanting to answer their questions I tuned it out and the security opened the door for me.

"Y/n Santos, glad to finally formally meet you, welcome to the Mexico team, I know this is pretty unexpected but I hope you will love it here, I'm Miguel Herrera, I will be one of your coaches." He introduced himself, "Hello, I'm honored to be here, thank you for taking me" I said shaking his hand.

He started leading me to the locker rooms and showing me around, he explained how I would be practicing with the women the first half of practice and then we would have to train with the men if we wanted.

I said my goodbyes to Miguel and I proceeded to walk into the locker room, "New teammate!" Said one girl, "Thank you Lizbeth, hello I'm Maribel, I'm the team captain, did Miguel explain everything for practice already?" She asked
"Yeah he did, I'm Y/n Santos" I said "Nice to meet you, we don't have much time so here's your lock and your locker combination, it says everything you need to know on the paper."

"Practice will start in 20 minutes, you will get your Jersey before the 13th, you're number 10 by the way, if you have any questions I will be over there, glad to have you one the team Y/n." She said shaking my hand.

I thanked her and walked over to my locker with putting in the combination, "Need help?" Asked a voice, I turned to see a curly haired girl, "No thanks" I said "Im Jessica Rubiano, your names Y/n right?" She asked, I shoved my things into my locker and proceeded to get changed, "Yeah" I said, "Do you have like some kind of nickname you'd like to be called?" She asked.

"I have many names, (the first letter of your make) Y/f/l ASO (btw your full name is Y/n Angelica Santos Ortega).

"Angeles, Saint, Y/aso" I explained, "Nice, very unique" she said, "Same thing I said when I found out about them" I said.

"A lot of the girls are excited your here by the way" she said, "I'm glad to be here" I said.


I was training with Jessica and Lizbeth since I didn't really know anyone else, we were passing the ball back and forth and leading it towards the net, it's basically what everyone was doing, "Do you practice like this everyday?" I asked, "Not everyday, we usually do different practices depending on the weather" Lizbeth explained.

"Alright, so when's our first game?" I asked "Well the mens game in December 13, and ours is on the 6th of December" she said.

"Will I be able to play that game?" I asked, "Well I'm not sure actually, coach Lopez usually lets the new players play the second game" she said.

"Great, just what I was expecting" I sighed, "Alright! You can practice together now!" Coach Lopez yelled out. I walked with Liz towards the mens side and she introduced me to some of the players on the mens team, "This is Ricardo Osorio he's a right back, this is Omar Briceño he's a left back, this is the other Omar he's a defender, and that's Guillermo Ochoa he's a goalie" she introduced, "Guys this is Y/n Ortega" Liz said.

"Hi, nice to meet you all" I smiled, "Nice to meet you Y/n," Ricardo said while smirking, "Stop being a perv" Liz said.

We started playing, we tried to get pass Omar which was almost impossible, Liz passed the ball to me and I kicked it back to her trying to get it away from Ricardo, once I got close enough to make a goal I took the chance I took the ball from Briceño and I kicked it into the goal, which luckily Guillermo did not block on time.

"Lo hicimos! Buen trabajo" said Liz, I looked at the guys who looked dumbfounded, "Memo! Que sucedió?" Ricardo asked, "Me distraje" he said sitting on the floor.

"¡Concéntrate! ¿De verdad vas a jugar así durante el juego?" Asked Omar, "No lo prometo!" He said, "Esta bien chicos dejenlo en paz no es su culpa" I said.

"Yeah come on let's play!" Liz said.


After practice I got ready and headed out, I stared walking and bid my goodbyes with my teammates, I was left behind walking by myself, although that's what I thought, "Gracias por defenderme allá atrás" Guillermo said catching up to me. "No hay ningún problema. De nada." I said, "Guau eres una persona tan habladora" he said.

"Lo siento, no estoy tratando de parecer grosera, es solo que se suponía que no debía estar aquí." I explained, "Está bien, pero te importa si te pregunto por qué piensas eso?" He asked, "Se suponía que debía estar en el juego con mis otras compañeras jugando contra Polonia, no aquí, no es que sea malo aquí, simplemente no esperaba que me cambiaran tan pronto" I told him.

"Lo siento, te estoy aburriendo, no era mi intención." I said, "Pareces disculparte mucho, y no me aburres en absoluto, en realidad me gusta cuando la gente me despotrica, es agradable cuando no tengo que hablar, sobre todo porque todos me hablan en inglés y realmente no entiendo" he explained.

"Entiendo completamente lo que quieres decir, yo solía ser tan despistada como tú" I said, "De todos modos, tengo que irme, mi viaje está aquí, te veré mañana Memo" I left before he could say anything.

The rest of the ride to my recent hotel meanwhile I search for an apartment, I thought of a specific curly haired boy, he seems nice, I'm going to love this team....

A/n: if you don't understand Spanish I'm sorry but I will try to post the translations in the comments....

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