Interviews (prt 8)

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"This is your first time playing for Mexico?"

Dec. 2, 2007

The loud wringing from my phone woke me up, I got out of Memo's grasp and answered it, "Hola?" I asked, "Y/n, El entrenador López me llamó diciendo que tenemos entrevistas hoy, nos reuniremos en el estadio a las 2 p. m., nos vemos allí". Said Katrina, I hung up, interviews before the games are so stressful.

I got ready and decided I had time to make breakfast. I finished up and started washing the dishes, I could hear Memo still snoring, I decided I'd go wake him up, I climbed up on the bed and sat next to him, "Amor, despierta por favor" I said kissing him, he dug his face into his pillow no longer racing me, I kissed down his neck leaving fresh new marks on him.

He moved away waking up due to the sudden touch, "Buenos dias cariño" he said giving me a gentle kiss on my head before picking me up and taking me to the kitchen, "¿Que hiciste?" He asked placing me on the counter, "Hice el desayuno" i said, "Se ve bien" he said while grabbing bacon, "Katrina me llamó diciendo que tenemos entrevistas hoy" i said.

"¿Eso es hoy?" He said, "Si tonto no me escuchaste?" I said laughing, "Pues entonces tienes que ayudarme a tapar estos chupetones que me hiciste animal" he said, "¿Por qué? ¿Pensé que dijiste que te gustaban?" I said confused, "Lo hago bebé, es solo que no creo que nadie deba saber sobre nuestra relación todavía" he said, he grabbed my face caressing it, "Pero le diremos a la gente eventualmente, ¿verdad?" I asked.

"Sí, por supuesto, pero creo que es mejor si lo mantenemos en secreto por un tiempo" he said, "De acuerdo" i said feeling a bit of relief, he pulled me in for a passionate kiss that turned into a small make out session, I pulled away after a few seconds, "Te amo" I said, "Te amo mas que nunca" he said before giving me one last kiss.


We got to the stadium and more people crowded around bigger crowds, we walked into the building, "Y/n, they want an interview with us first" Lizbeth said, "Alright, I'll catch up with you give me a minute" I said, she nodded and walked away, "Te veré cuando terminemos, te amo" i said, "Te estaré esperando" he aid leaning down giving me a kiss before letting me go.

I let go of his hand and walked followed behind Lizbeth, we walked into this room that had tables and chairs, it looked professional though.

The reporters asked me a few questions here and there but they mainly focused on the rest of the team, "Y/n, ¿Cómo te sientes de estar en el equipo?" The reporter asked, "Me siento bien al respecto" I said, "¿Y qué tan bien te llevas con tus compañeras de equipo?" She asked, "Siento que todos nos llevamos bien, estoy segura de que he hecho muchas amigas nuevas," i said.

I turned my attention to the door that opened, bringing in some of the guys, I sat down at one of the tables alone since the rest of the girls were talking to the reporters, Memo and Jonny came over to sit next to me, "Cualquier pregunta fuera de lo común" Memo asked, i nodded my head no, Jonny talked to me about some things, it was weird seeming how I've never formally met him.

A interviewer im very familiar with came up to the three of us, "Hola Ángeles, un placer verte de nuevo" he said giving me a hug, "Hola Cesar, me preguntaba que te paso" i said pulling away, "Bueno, ya estoy aquí, ¿serías tan amable de hacerte algunas preguntas?" He asked, "Siempre que hagas preguntas a mis amigos aquí también" i said, "Por supuesto" he said.

"So I'm going to ask these questions in English is that fine?" He asked, Guillermo looked confused, "Yeah sure" I said, "Alright first question, What do you think about you getting traded to this team?" He asked, "I'm happy about it now, but I will miss playing with Portugal" I said, "Alright next question is for Jonny, do you think you'll be playing this upcoming game due to your injury?" He asked, "I've been training for a while and I think for a fact I will be playing" Jonny said, "That's good" David said, "Alright, Guillermo how do you think you'll do in this game?" He asked, "Uhh, I think I will do good, I will try, my fans are counting on me" he said in a accent, I looked at him surprised, "That's good to hear, I will be getting out of your hair, it was nice seeing you again Y/n" he said, "I'm glad" I said, I gave him one last hug before he left.

Jonny left to go talk to the rest of the guys, "¿Pensé que no sabías hablar inglés?" I said, "He intentado aprender un poco" he said, "Bueno, para mí estás aprendiendo bastante rápido" i said, "Bueno, quería aprender, eventualmente tendría que aprender" he said.

After a while of getting questions asked Piojo pulled Guillermo aside, I followed along, "Tenemos un nuevo compañero de equipo que se une a nosotros, quiero que lo hagas sentir bienvenido" Piojo said, "Sí señor, ¿cómo se llama?" Guillermo asked, "Su nombre es Javier Hernández" Miguel said.


We got my apartment, "¿Crees que ese tal Javier será bueno?" I asked, "Pues quien sabe" he said, he sat on the couch, his face looked upset, "¿Qué estás pensando?" I said sitting next to him.

"Nada" he said looking at me, "Estas seguro?" I asked, "Sí, voy a ir a tomar un baño" he said leaving me alone. What's up with him?

Meanwhile Memo was in the bathroom I got changed into some shorts and one of his shirts, I waited for him watching tv sitting on the bed.

He came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, I focused my gaze on the movie I was watching, he changed into some gray sweats, "¿Estás usando mi camisa otra vez?" He said, "¿No se me permite?" I asked, "Realmente no me importa" he said, "Se ve bien en ti" he muttered out.

I smirked pulling him in for a kiss, he kissed back but soon pulling away, "Entonces, ¿vas a decirme qué te molesta?" I asked, he looked at me, "Bueno, ver a Jonny hablando contigo me puso celoso, y quiero que la gente sepa que estamos juntos, pero siento que va a afectar nuestra relación, alguien va a tratar de separarnos". He explained.

I wrapped my arms around him giving him a hug, "Nadie nos va a separar, y si lo intentan no lo dejaremos, te amo y lo sabes" I said, he smiled, "Mi chico celoso" I said making him look at me offended, he tackled me with kisses causing me to laugh.

He stopped and stared into my eyes, "Te amo" he said, "Yo también te amo" i said, i pulled him in for another kiss, he deepened it...

A/n: I've been busy with school but on Friday i will for sure try to post, I'll try to post on Thursday, but if I don't i will be posting on Friday. Hope you at least enjoy this ass chapter, thinking bout doing some chaos😋.

Hopefully Brasil wins their game🇧🇷🇧🇷

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