Chapter 23

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I glance at the clock on the wall. It's not time, so I'm not sure where Watcher Guard is taking me. A brief thought of execution comes to mind considering he had been ready tear me to pieces with his fangs yesterday, but I quiet the emotion; I can't let myself lose control.

He walks me to the cage holding my classmates, ushering me in before locking the door. "You have an hour." He walks back to stand against the wall, away from us.

I turn around, not sure what to expect. My classmates know I'm being treated differently; they might not accept me. Still, Drew's arms immediately go around me. Although it was never him that I had been worried about, it does make me feel better. I hadn't been close enough to anyone to have a conversation, much less feel their warmth. He steps to the side, but his arm stays around my waist, like he's afraid to let go. I hug everyone that comes forward, and even throw my arms around Jen Harper, which I'm sure neither of us had expected.

"Where's Bryn?" I turn to Drew.

"Donating," he responds before pulling me to the corner of the cell, trying to give us some privacy I assume. I look back as Watcher Guard follows our every move. I know there is no place where we can have privacy, but it seems to make Drew feel better, so I go a long with it.

Their cell is twice as big as mine, with bunk beds in the corner, twelve in total. Not all the students are in this cell, and again I wonder what has happened to everyone else, but it's not something I can dwell on. Drew pulls me down to sit by him on the bench next to the far right of the cell; there are even pillows on top of it. As I sit next to him, he pulls me into his embrace again. I feel his body shaking as he holds onto me.

"I never thought I'd get to hold you again," he says against my temple. I let him hold me because in truth I need it too. His arms feel warm around me, and for the slightest moment, it feels like old times, but I know those times are gone. I hear the key click and look up in time to see Bryn enter.

We run to each other, and although our arms are tightly around each other, I know that soon I will be yanked away, put back in my own cage, but the moment feels real, so I go with it while I can.

"I thought they were going to kill you," Bryn whispers under her breath when we part.

She looks so pale, and the bandage on her right arm reminds me that she just got back from giving blood. She's fine other than that. "No, I think they're just punishing me." I don't tell her that I had killed three of their own, but a glance in the direction of my Watcher Guard leads me to believe he's thinking the same thing. "Are you okay?" She nods yes. "Have you seen anyone else?"

"I think everyone else is dead. I overheard them talking about how some of the vampires lost control and had 'accidentally' killed a few." She swallows hard and looks around nervously "Do you think the military will come soon?"

I don't have the heart to tell her that it's happening around the whole world, not just here, so instead I say, "I don't think so." She's so beaten down. The girl that had always taught me to be strong and had always had my back is to the point of breaking. I look around at them all; they all are broken down pieces of their former self. I have to say something. I can't just let her continue on with no hope at all; it's dangerous to feel that way. I glance over at Watcher Guard; his eyes are on the vampire that had just walked in. They're having a conversation, but I'm still hesitant to say everything on my mind, so I hug Bryn close and speak low in her ear, hoping Watcher Guard can't hear me. "We're getting out of this, just be ready." I pull away from her, and I can tell she needs more, but I can't risk it. Watcher Guard has his eyes on me now, but I think he would've taken me away if he had heard, so I'm not that concerned.

"I wish I would've listened to you when I had the chance." Her words are just thoughts running through her mind.

Yeah, it would've been a lot easier if she had listened, or if anyone had listened, but then I remember: Justin Manor had believed me and he was nowhere to be found. "Bryn, have you seen Justin Manor?" She shakes her head no, and it seems she's thinking the worse until she remembers too.

"He believed you. He was the only one."

"Yea, he did and..." I remember who might be listening to our conversation and stop. I look over to watcher guard who's looking at the entrance to the gym. Good. "We're getting out of here, Bryn. Just don't give up hope." She nods her head yes. I'm not sure how I'm going to get them out, but I have to do something.

"Times up," Watcher Guard calls as he throws the shackles through the bars. They land at my feet.

"It hasn't been an hour," I call back. I'm not ready to leave my friends just yet.

"I think you've had enough time," Watcher Guard states before he says, "You know what to do."

Sure, sure, I know what to do, but what if I don't click the shackles tight so that I can easily get them off? How well does he really watch me? I decide to think about it a little more before I make my move.

Bryn quickly pulls me to her tightly before letting me go. I start to hook the shackles on my ankles and wrists when Drew grasps me from behind. His hold doesn't lessen, and I don't want to tell him to let go. Watcher Guard eyes us, but before I say anything, he lets me go, and I walk out, only to feel the emptiness that has become my life.

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