Chapter 33

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We sit in the open like we had done earlier. I feel like my room is bugged, but I can't prove it. Maybe it's just paranoia. Either way, being outside near our old stomping ground makes our situation a little easier to handle.

"Underground water?" Bryn is as confused as we all are, but I can't help but smile at the pink tint to her cheeks. She's recovering nicely since yesterday's donation.

I had explained to Bryn, Drew, and Jen what I had seen when I had been out— practically nothing. "Everything was dark and vacant. I didn't have a lot of time, but I knew I had to check out Justin's place."

"Well, thankfully you didn't need to use someone as a shield considering we were practically scolded into staying behind." Jen narrows her eyes at me.

This leadership role doesn't look great on me. I'm used to doing what I want without thinking about how someone might feel or how they might take something I say. My main mission is to keep them alive and get out of this mess. The last time I had tried to make them understand and make the right choice, I had been laughed at, and we had all ended up here. I suddenly stand up. "Stand up and try to hit me. You don't even have to take me down; all you have to do is hit me." Jen jumps up at the challenge. Maybe this is bigger than last night and I've just been clueless to the fact. Not only does she try to hit me, she throws her whole body at me at the same time. I don't expect that, but Ian had taught me to be ready for anything, so when her right arm comes for me, I swing my body down, quickly moving out of the way. She lands on her hands in the dirt.

"Did she attack you?" Watcher Guard stands in front of our group, his eyes taking in the scene before him.

I didn't even know he had been watching me. Maybe that's still his duty even though I'm now out of the cage. "No. She slipped." I hold my hand out to Jen, but she brushes it away. Drew and Bryn help her up. I turn my attention to the vampire that seems to be... worried?

"She didn't hurt you then?" Watcher Guard looks me over as if to make sure I'm not bruised.

I laugh at the question. "You do remember who I am, right?" I still can't understand what all the questions are for and why he even care, but then...

"Ian would not be pleased if something happened." He turns and starts walking away.

"It's my mission in life to displease him," I shout at his retreating form. I know it's childish, but I don't care. My attention goes back to Jen. She stands up, brushing off her jeans.

"What about the caves?" Bryn asks. "They used to be filled with water."

"You're a genius." I grab Bryn by the shoulders and pull her in tight before Drew jumps into our hug. He's never one to be left out. We break apart when the vampires start looking at us oddly.

"There's never going to be enough room for me," Jen says before trying to make an exit.

"There's always room for you. We're in this together," I say to her retreating form.

"It's always going to be you three, just like before." Her words are said under her breath, but I heard them anyway, and so does everyone else. We watch her walk back into the apartment building.

"She was really mad about last night," Drew says once the door shuts. "I couldn't calm her down."

"I'll go talk with her." Bryn follows after Jen.

"When are we going to the caves?" Drew's question catches me off guard. From his tone, I can tell he won't be left behind again. "And don't give me any shit about not being able to fight. Just because I'm human doesn't mean I can't handle my own." He's right. That's one of the reasons I'd been attracted to him in the first place— well that and the fact that he is trouble. I definitely have a type.

"Fine." I'm not going to argue. We haven't had time to train as of yet, and I'm not sure when we'll be able to. Everything is happening so quickly, and if we don't move now, I feel we'll be here forever. I'd heard some of the humans talking about my bracelet, or better yet the lack of. I'm sure something is in the works.

"I'll come by later," Drew says before walking straight by a group of vampires and turning into the school cafeteria. It isn't up and running yet, but it does have snacks available. I assume he's hungry. I keep walking, determined to do another perimeter check when I hear footsteps behind me. I quickly turn around, prepared for a fight, but drop my stance when I realize it's a death sentence. I'm surrounded by five vampires, all dressed in black guard clothing.

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