Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Luminous Bodies

As Chu Zheng walked forward, he took off his suit jacket. The heater in the room was turned up a bit, which made his face a little hot.

Qiao Yiran made room sideways, and Chu Zheng leaned on the sofa in a cautious manner.

It will be a while before dinner, Chu Zheng's body is leaning stiffly on the sofa, his whole body seems to be falling into the clouds, and he doesn't know when it will be.

Until now, he felt that his body was light and light, as if he was stepping on cotton candy-like clouds, and every step he took was so sweet that he felt greasy.

Hearing his own voice fluttering, Chu Zheng was sleepwalking and had nothing to say: "Have you been reading at home today?"

Qiao Yiran nodded with a smile: "This collection of equity cases is not bad.

" A few cronies and friends sent him messages to ask questions, but he dismissed them all casually.

I don't know why the news that he moved to Chu Zheng's villa spread so quickly, but in just one day, he has received several waves of "concern" called greetings that are actually spying news, and the outside world even thinks he is being arrested. Chu Zheng forced it - this conjecture really made him dumbfounded. It turns out that Chu Zheng is usually such an image of unscrupulous in the eyes of everyone.

The warm light in the living room slanted down, and Joe cast a small shadow on his fair cheeks with his long and curly eyelashes.

Chu Zheng stared at the side face of this person who had been peaceful for years, and the tenderness in his heart rippled round and round.

He thought, if all the hurt, suffering, betrayal and hysteria he had encountered in the first half of his life were ultimately for meeting this person at this moment-then he would never feel it in the long disappointment that had been repeatedly tortured in the past What does despair taste like.


Qiao Yiran hasn't picked up a job outside recently, and stayed at home quietly reading a book and drinking tea, which is rare to steal half a day of leisure.

But he never thought that the opportunity to meet Chu Rongxuan would come so soon.

Just two or three days after the peaceful days, Qiao Yiran suddenly received a call from the contact person "Father" in the villa.

The voice of the middle-aged man on the phone was a little panicked: "Yi Ran, where are you now?" Qiao Yiran frowned: "I'm in the villa here on Xiangshan, what 's

wrong? Is there something wrong at home?"

The father's voice was urgent: "It's your younger brother who didn't worry about it. He was racing outside and had a car accident, and now he is waiting for an operation in the hospital. My heart is up and down, and there is no peace. Your mother has Weeping badly."

Although Qiao Yiran didn't think highly of the character of Yuan's family members, after all, he still had responsibilities to his relatives, and it was not easy for him to stay out of it when he heard that such a big incident happened at home, so He quickly comforted his father on the phone: "I see, don't worry, I will come right away."

After hanging up his father's phone, Qiao Yiran quickly dialed Chu Zheng's cell phone number.

Qiao Yiran told Chu Zheng what his father said without pausing: "My dad called me just now and said that my younger brother was in a car accident and is currently waiting for surgery in the hospital. I may need to go to the first A people's hospital."

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