Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Until he handed over the key to Jin Yuhao in a daze, and followed Qiao Yiran into his car inexplicably, Chu Zheng felt a little dizzy.

Although this top student can't speak at all, what is "homeless" and "staying overnight" are so ugly!

But Chu Zheng seemed to be bewitched by the devil, facing those serious eyes, he couldn't say a word of rejection at all.

Although Chu Rongxuan's hypocritical and pretending guy is really annoying! But when faced with a real top student, Chu Zheng suddenly understood

why this guy is so shining, he is sought after and welcomed wherever he goes, this kind of thoughtfulness that is always considerate of others, can always Poke the tenderness in the deepest part of my heart, who can resist!

Neither can I.

Following Qiao Yiran halfway through the drive, Chu Zheng, whose brain was in a panic, suddenly realized: "No, you just said the Renault formula? What's going on!"

Qiao Yiran controlled the steering wheel calmly, and glanced at him amusedly. : "You just realized it now? Literally, you will be invited by the team to participate in the training camp and have the opportunity to enter the Formula Renault field."

"Besides, the Renault team from Europe is sending you the invitation."

Chu Zheng almost I can't believe it: what are you doing! This incident is as magical as a salesperson who is suddenly told that he will be the CEO tomorrow!

He struggled to stabilize his heartbeat: On the night when his family had an accident and he ran away from home, his career path was on the rise, and life's ups and downs came too fast!

Chu Zheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Wait! If this kind of thing really happened, why did you know in advance?"

Qiao Yiran thought for a while: "Ms. Zhong who went to Qincheng with me for a meeting before, do you know him?"

Chu Zheng glanced at him speechlessly: How could he know such a frightening female devil?

Qiao Yiran saw the stunned expression on Chu Na's face, and suddenly realized the rejection of the "teacher" by this scumbag, he smiled helplessly, and changed the phrase: "Master of the auto repair factory, this You always know?"

Chu Zheng looked over strangely: "How do you know him?"

Qiao Yiran coughed lightly, and gave him a hint: "He is Teacher Zhong's husband, a retired professional racing car Hand, and his surname is Fang..."

Chu Zheng recalled Master Fang's downplaying expression when he mentioned "Formula Renault" to him at that time, the expression on his face gradually changed from doubt to shock, and then from shock to disbelief.

Then, he finally asked with difficulty: "No... No... You mean..."

Qiao Yiran gave him an affirmative answer very calmly: "That's right, it's exactly what you imagined, You have never asked his name ... and his name is actually Fang Muyuan. "

- The former Renault team legendary driver, the closest to F1 in China.


The unremarkable black car had already driven downstairs to his apartment. Qiao Yiran shifted gears, reversed the car, and drove into the parking space quite calmly.

After stepping on the brake, Qiao Yiran patted Chu Zheng's shoulder amusedly: "Hey, wake up, you're back to your senses!"

Chu Zheng was still immersed in great ecstasy, and he looked at Qiao Yiran with eyes It was full of excitement and eagerness: "I can't believe this is real!"

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