2:7 It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough

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It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough
Part 2

It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon EnoughPart 2————

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In your opinion, it was a well thought out plan. You looked around the group to see them all pleased with their idea. "I love you, sis." SimuLandon randomly said.

The real Landon let out a soft sigh. "Please stop saying that." He said.

You scoffed. "At least he has the guts to say it and he's not even real." You fired to Landon. Landon looked hurt but it's his fault for acting as if he doesn't love you like a brother would a sister and vice versa.

SimuLandon ignored your comment. "I can't help it. I want to shout it front the rooftops." You watched as Landon stood up to start shouting. "I love Kate Lo-"

"Ad Somnum." You chanted straight away, SimuLandon falling onto the cough fast asleep.

You leaned your head on Hopes shoulder as you were very annoyed with SimuLandon. You glanced at both Landons before down to your hands, watching as Hope interlaced them.


You were sat on a bed, watching as Landon walked forward, unwrapping the needle. "Ready?" Landon asked.

You rolled up your shirt and nodded, raising your arm and allowing Landon to grab it to put the needle in. He then placed tape over it to make sure it wouldn't disconnect. "So... we're not gonna talk about how you walked away from me after we took down the Croatoan?" You questioned as it was way to silent.

Landon didn't make eye contact and instead continued with the transfusion. "I didn't have much to say." He then finished with you arm and moved to something else. "Welcome back?" He stated but it was more of a questioned.

You shrugged as it was something. "Hmm." You responded, looking over at SimuLandon. "He was plenty to say." You stated.

"He is my subconscious." Landon immediately responded. "He has no filter. I am a complex, evolved being last time I checked." Landon fired back to you.

You looked between his eyes. "Evolved people talk to one another." Landon looked at you before back to what he was doing with he tube for the transfusion. "They don't just stalk off when things get complicated. So, why don't you stop avoiding me?" You replied, getting annoyed with Landons responses.

Landon didn't take his eyes off of what he was doing. However, you took your eyes off of him. "I'm not avoiding you. We're literally in the same room." Landon responded, grabbing some plastic and scrunching it up to put in the bin.

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