One Shot

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"With Nohr and Hoshido against us, we don't have many friends." *Said Felicia, sharing her viewpoint of the current situation.

" seems like we should lay low for a little bit. But even so...we can't face both of them like this. We need help, but who can we turn to? *Corrin laid out the problem to the group as he himself is thinking of what course of action to take.

*It would feel like the odds are already stacked against the heroes as they ponder what their next move should be while they stood around the astral plane, sage from any attackers. As the heroes thought of their next move, Azura had an idea...but she appeared uncomfortable about it.

"...I know one person who can help us...But..."

"Who, Azura? Who?" *Corrin turned her full attention to Azura, along with Felicia as they didn't notice her uneasiness expression

"But first, Corrin. Do you really believe this will be a good idea? A very good one?"

"Huh?" *With only a silent response from Azura, Corrin ponders that question before she answered it, unsure of its the correct one.

"Well...we won't know unless we find out, right?"

*Azura fell silent from that answer. Normally, she'd be against this, but due to the circumstances, this may be needed since this what Corrin believes in. The third option of not siding with Hoshido or Nohr...

"...I suppose. Anyways, I do know one person that may help us. the same time, this person should not be trusted."

"What makes you think that?" *Corrin and Felicia became puzzled by Azura's words until she further elaborated.

"Because your mother and father met this figure once. And let me warn you, these meetings were not very pleasant, especially for Mikoto. The moment these two clashed together, she almost lost her life. It took all of her power to keep this person at bay. By some miracle, she survived the encounter, but her memories of that fateful day left a scar in her mind."

"...!" *Corrin and Felicia became shocked by the small story. Even before this whole war began, Mikoto and Sumeragi's life were still endangered. But what concern Corrin the most was how this person pushed their life at brink of death. Azura continued on

"There was also the nameless father of Garon, who also fought this demon warrior before you were even born. That is a...different story if I may remind you..."

"Wh-who are you talking about? Who is this "person" that my mother and father faced?!" *Corrin shouted at Azura in rage.

*Azura heaved a sigh, shakily before she gave a full answer... She was also afraid to speak of who...

"The person that Mikoto and Sumeragi, and even the father of Garon had faced... Their name is Akuma... The Master of the Fist."


*The heroes reaches the destination of where their demon warrior could be resting at. The location being at the far top-end point of the bottomless canyon near the Valley Settlement and the Dragon's Gate.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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Fire Emblem: Fates Revelation. Contract with the hidden fist(one-shot crossover)Where stories live. Discover now