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There are days the tiredness comes in both forms, physical and mental. My body needed to rest, yet my mind needed to move, to burn the anxiety right out. Once my eyes closed, my mind would open them once more. It became an endless battle as the night went on, and I didn't even know what time it was when my body finally won. 

The victory didn't last long as a blaring chirp jolted my eyes open. I rubbed my heavy eyelids with a groan and went to bury my head in my pillow, but I was met with air. Confusion filled me as the fog in my brain started to lift, and I realized I was curled up in front of my bedroom door.

Why am I on the ground? I thought, slowly pulling myself up. Suddenly the memories of last night came flooding back, and I halted my movement, my eyes widening. Last night felt like a blur. All the running, the fear, seeing giant robots, figuring out that they can turn into cars. It was almost too much for my brain to handle. 

The beeping persisted, and I quickly moved to silence its noise, the sound painfully reminding me of the yellow and black robot. I shook my head and took a deep breath to calm the panic rising in my chest, and when I no longer felt like I was about to burst into tears, I focused on my hands.

After the adrenaline had worn off last night, a steady pulse of pain shot through my hands. I vividly remembered the horror I felt as I inspected the damage and treated my burns as quickly as possible. My fingers brushed against the rough fabric, and I couldn't help but wince at the memory. Looking back, it was probably dumb of me to crawl through a burnt hole, but I didn't for a second regret my decision.

I gingerly unwrapped my palm, fully expecting the blisters and pain to flare up, but to my surprise, nothing was there. What was once a painful mess was now red, as if I had just slapped something. I carefully grazed a finger against my palm, but nothing happened, and what was once an unbearable pain was now nothing but a faint sting. I unwrapped my other hand, surprised when it was the same.

Wow, this burn cream worked better than I thought. However, a part of me couldn't help but think that it maybe wasn't the burn cream at all. I brushed a hand through my long hair and grimaced as it became covered with grease. With a sigh, I groggily went to the bathroom, my muscles screaming at me with each slight movement. I didn't even look in the mirror as I passed, already knowing I looked awful.

Thoughts ran through my mind as the hot droplets of water covered my body, and with each passing second, I dreaded going to school. 

I knew I had to. I couldn't avoid the place forever, and a part of me wanted to ensure that Miko was alive. Even if there was a chance that she knew about the robot's existence all along, I still cared about her safety. It didn't take long before I was ready, and I cautiously headed downstairs. My attention immediately shot to the note on the counter, and I quickly read it.

I noticed when I came home that your bike broke and I promise we will go shopping for another one later. So for today, you will have to walk, don't worry, I have already called the school and told them that you would arrive late. Love you, Hon. I hope you have a fantastic second day!

-Love, the Best Mom ever

Anxiety filled me at the thought of walking to the school again, and I crumbled the note.

What if they came back? What if they grabbed me this time? My breathing quickened as my imagination wandered, my brain coming up with every terrible scenario possible. I suddenly felt something hit my cheek, and I snapped out of my panic. I stared at my hand in shock, the sting of the slap still lingering on it.

"I just slapped myself," I said aloud, my hand lifting to my cheek. "Now I am talking to myself," I murmured incredulously. I snorted in disbelief as I grabbed my backpack and left the house. I had to get a grip. I wasn't going to let my fear prevent me from walking to school.

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