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224 8 12

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"Optimus, you're not going to believe this," Ratchet called out, his optics locked on the screen before him. "I've just pinpointed the location of the Decepticon warship." The Autobots looked at the Medic in shock, each moving closer to the monitor.

"How did you penetrate their clocking technology?" Optimus inquired, taking a step closer. Ratchet briefly turned to the Prime before focusing on the green monitor.

"I didn't. I was experimenting with variable frequency wavelengths when I stumbled upon it." With that, he moved back toward the others, his faceplates furrowing. "Even still, their ship must be experiencing some kind of electromagnetic breach." Arcee stared at the screen, her blue optics hardening.

"With Megatron deceased and the element of surprise," Her closed fist hit her servo, showcasing her point.

"We can cause some serious damage." Bulkhead finished. Just as he said those words, a sharp ping sounded as another signal appeared on the screen. Ratchet looked at the monitor in confusion, his voice unsure.

"Also, in another frequency... an Autobot emergency beacon." He revealed his optics widening in disbelief. Each of them turned to Optimus, waiting for his decision. The Prime's gaze filled with determination, his optics landing on the Autobot signal.

"The Decepticons can wait. There may be Autobots in distress." He declared, his attention landing on the Medic. "Ratchet, bring your medical kit." The older bot didn't waste a moment as he swiftly swiped his kit, flicking on the groundbridge with one smooth movement.

The Groundbridge opened into a desert, the moonlight barely illuminating the sand below it. As the pair emerged from the swirling color, they studied the area around them cautiously. Laying in the perfect mounds of sand was a downed Cybertronian ship, various pieces scattered throughout the desert. Optimus and Ratchet moved closer, stopping as the Groundbridge closed behind them.

"A crash landing buried here for centuries." The Prime spoke, his voice grave. There were no visible entry points in the ship, all lost to time, so they had to make one. The laser tore through the rusted metal wall, and the side quickly gave way, falling into the ship with a loud clang. The Prime was the first to step in, his optics scanning the area cautiously as Ratchet followed from behind.

"If they traveled in Stasis mode, there may be survivors," Ratchet commented, his flashlight illuminating the dark shadows around them. As he took another step, the ship rocked, tipping ominously to the side. Both briefly lost balance, Ratchet hanging onto the wall for support as the ship stopped its creaks. After a brief moment, they continued, the small hope of finding survivors dwindling as they did.

Ratchet couldn't help but feel uneasy as the darkness surrounded them, his tiny light only revealing what was right in front of them. It was quiet, too quiet. The only sounds that pierced through the silence were their loud footsteps and the occasional groans of the ship.

A door that seemed to have been closed for centuries sat at the end of the hallway, and without a word, Optimus grabbed the ends and pulled it apart. The metal screamed as it moved, and Ratchet's hope was snuffed out when it opened.

Inside the room were three bodies. Their metal was rusted and battered, and the eyesockets-which would usually be a bright blue, were an ominous black. Optimus shone his light on the third body, his brows furrowing when he noticed the old Energon that pooled underneath the dead mech. The Prime shook his head as disappointment and grief filled him at the sight.

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