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184 6 20

  ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ:

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School. A place hated by teens all over the world. One teenager, in particular, cursed under her breath with each step as she got closer to the building, her hatred running deep in her veins. I snorted as I watched Miko trudging towards the school building, her discontent audible through a chorus of grumbles and complaints.

"Why the long face?" I teased, gently tapping her shoulder with my own. Chestnut hues met mine with a death glare, and as 'intimidating' as it was, I was trying my best not to laugh in the poor girl's face.

"Why does school even exist? Why do tests exist!" She groaned, her expression falling. Miko had a math test today, and while she normally wouldn't care, her parents were threatening to send her back to Japan if her grades didn't improve. Of course, none of us wanted this to happen, so we forced, helped Miko with studying. And although I was worried, I couldn't help but snicker as she dramatically sighed.

"It's only a minor quiz, Miko; I believe in you." Raf quipped from beside us, his face barely visible past the project he was carrying. The pink-haired girl only muttered something under her breath, to which I playfully shot a glare at her, silencing the teen.

"Anyways! Raf. Have I ever told you how smart you are?" I said, not so subtly changing the subject as I finally got a proper look at the diagram in his hands. Raf was proudly holding a mini version of a highly detailed replica of the muscles of the human body. From the looks of it, it was made out of a mixture of clay and wires. A soft blush adorned his cheeks as his lips curled up at the praise.

It must've taken him forever. I thought, adjusting the backpack on my back. Miko straightened at the change of subject, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah... seriously," Miko murmured. Suddenly, she brightened, leaning closer to the smaller teen. "Any chance I can steal your smarts for the day?" He rolled his eyes, and I shook my head, a small chuckle escaping me.

"Pretty sure that's not how it works." He said, smirking up at the now downtrodden girl. She faked a pout, crossing her arms with a huff.

"Unfair." She grumbled. Just as Raf went to say something, his shoulder jerked to the side. Time seemed to slow as the boy's grip on his project slipped, his honey eyes widening in horror as the diagram fell. I tried to reach for it, but it was too late. In a split second, the diagram landed with a sickening thud, pieces flying and rolling across the hallway.

Frozen in place, we all couldn't do anything but stare. My hand was still outstretched, my fingers twitching uselessly as I inspected the damage. It was, to put it bluntly, unsalvageable. The arms were completely detached, the head and torso seemed to be smushed, and bits of metal wire were sticking out.

"Scrap," I muttered, leaning down to collect what looked to be a hand. I cringed, brows furrowing in sympathy. A sharp bark of laughter exploded from behind me, and I turned, a scowl already on my face. In all his mirth was Vince, two of his lackeys beside him, as he harshly kicked a stray clay piece.

"I didn't know you were such a butterfingers, Brainiac. You should be a bit more careful next time." Vince smirked, half-fiving one of his brainless friends. My glare sharpened as I stood, and I was already stepping toward him, but Miko beat me to it.

"Are you serious? You clearly knocked it out of his hands, you useless lump of scrap!" She growled, poking a finger towards his chest. He only laughed, shrugging innocently as he looked my friend up and down.

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