Chapter 1: Pen Stealing Jerk

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In third grade Holden and Liv met each other and Holden stole Liv's multicolored pen.So Liv held a grudge against him for 7 years. So here's how they met again. Liv and her mom stole Holden's mom giraffe that Holden's mom put in their front yard for a memorial service for Holden's uncle. The reason they stole it was because Liv's mom had a poet tree in her front yard so her neighbors could express their feelings Holden's mom took it and put it in their backyard because she said the neighbor's did not like it. So Liv's mom saw they were having a "party" well they thought Liv came downstairs and her mom told her about Holden's mom. So Liv made a plan to steal it because as I said previously Holden stole her pen. Now Liv and her mom have stolen the giraffe and they hear a knock on the door.

"The police are coming for us, they're coming to get us!" Liv said.

"Oh it's not the police," Liv said.

"Wait,wait,wait" Holden said.

"It's Holden from next door," Holden said.

"Oh Holden, the one that to eat paint," Liv said.

"Yeah," Holden said.

"I thought you went to boarding school," Liv said.

"I am here for the weekend," Holden said.

Then they found out it was Holden. You might be wondering why he was there.

"Did yall see a giraffe around anywhere" Holden said "We did not steal anything" Liv's mom said.

"I know you didn't," Holden said.

"I see yall are over there having a party" Liv's mom said.

"No, it's actually a wake for my uncle." Holden said.

He passed away and in honor of him my mom put up some of his work he made that giraffe." Holden said.

"So my mom put it up he would be really proud" Holden said.

"So if you see anything just let me " Holden said.

"Ok bye bye" Liv and her mom said.

Then Liv and her mom felt bad for stealing the giraffe. So they tried to return the giraffe but.... When they were trying to take the giraffe out and struggling. HOLDEN CAUGHT THEM! So he just stood there watching them for a minute until they turned around. Then Liv finally turned around...

"Hey Holden," Liv said.

Then Liv put the blanket on top of her head.

"I can still see you,'' Holden said.

"I know," Liv said.

"So Holden I know this looks really bad but I promise there is a good explanation" Liv said.

"Yes and you should tell him I'll get snacks," Liv's Mom said.

"So what happened is," Liv said.

Until Holden cut her off.

"You guys stole the giraffe," Holden said.

"Yeah we did Holden I had no idea we were rewinding your uncle's wake" Liv said.

Until Holden cut her off again.

"Please my mom singing rewind that wake" Holden said.

"This is Fun," Holden said.

"You're not mad," Liv and her Mom said.

"That's kinda unexpected," Liv said.

Then after that moment she caught feelings for Holden and called him a cute pen stealing jerk.

"No, my uncle would have loved it," Holden said.

"You have to get that thing back before the wake ends," Holden said.

"Alright can we have your help tho?" Liv said.

Then Holden agreed and Liv accidently said...

"Get in their hotty hungry Holden" Liv said.

"I thought it was hungry, hungry Holden," Holden said.

At that moment Liv really really knew that she had feelings for Holden and her mom knew it too.

"No what, that's what I said," Liv said.

And Holden started blushing and smiling and her mom also started smiling.

"Alright come on let's go!" Liv said.

Then Liv, her mom and Holden were struggling to put the giraffe back on the stand; they had to use a rope to do it.

"I hope you don't think I'm a thief," Liv said.

"Yeah I totally thank your a thief but it takes one to know one," Holden said.

Then Holden pulled something out of his pocket and you guys would never guess what it was.

"What's this some type of multi-color ink that holds all a lil girl's dreams? Liv said.

Liv was so happy and Holden told her..

"I thought you were cute in 3rd grade, that's why I stole your pen" Holden said.

Then she dropped the pen. Her and Holden both went to pick it up. And they made eye contact! Then sense they both let go of the string her mom went flying in the air. And she yelled and they both ran and left her and let her get caught.Then nobody helped her down.

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