Day I | SnowMan

108 4 2

Prompt : Snowman

AU : Rainbow Quest Afternath

Any ship included : Light x Yellow Scout

Triggers : ?

Progress : finished

Once long ago.. laughter could be heard all around the Yellow Kingdom , elder steves watching as newborns took their first few steps through snow, some more adventurous , others.. they just stuck inside and glared at the snow with such despise of the cold it brought and made them suffer through.

With no surprise after all , Yellow Steve's always had been more on the picker sides especially as they were stronger with the help of the sunlight.. it wasn't at their best in the winter after all.

And amongst them. Scott , a teenager Yellow steve training to be a guard.. well later on known as a royal scout and even further a Colorless Elite 'Scout'.

In a line with many other teenage Yellow Steve's , awaiting lazily as for they were to do a exam which the King had assigned to see their speed through bad weather , and even as he , himself seemed so confident, more confident than he almost ever had. His shakings hands would've said otherwise would it not be Winter with these harsh conditions too.

"Welcome, students! I know this is not such pleasurable weather for a exam , of course not , yet it's necessary for your development to become guards. For this , you all shall race all along the river in a circle back here , three times to be first and for whoever wins will get a reward from me myself."

Spoke out a bright and golden steve. A crown settled on his head as he had his own hands settled on a Orange Steve's shoulders , who held a young yellow steve which he recognized as Alexander , the youngest prince of the Orange Kingdom and yet again Night , the son of the first Yellow King which had just spoken to them with such a angelic voice at last.

Through , the rest he well did not listen to completely.. at least till hearing the start of the count down which made him get into positions as he waited , braced to run so he could win.


"On your mark!"

"Get set!"


Looking over. Alexander could tell everything would go smoothly for the race. Which he was. Admittedly , grateful for. Till he noticed a teen steve on the side..

His eyes widening he couldn't help but set the young Yellow Steve down who he had been holding and run down hill , making the King startle badly till noticing the Teenager in complete lead of the rest getting targeted in the face by a snowball which had made him stumble.

There was no time to react as the poor child crashed into the ice and right into the freezing lake. Making the crowd gasp as the Orange Prince jumped right after him to get him from under the water...... ... ..


"Scout! Hey. You there? I don't think that will fit as a head if you keep rolling it around for much longer , you know that right?"

He heard with fingers snapping in front of him , shaking his head. He looked up to see the Light General who was chuckling right at him for having fazed out so badly not to realize his own doing and he only managed to flush out afterwards.

"Sorry Alexander hah.. just old memories of how you jumped into the frozen lake at that exam after me. Remember that stupid thing when a kid tried to cheat with the help of a friend?"

A peaceful smile he noticed make way on Alexander's face while he watched him pick up the ball of snow to set on the snowman they had been building.

"How could i not? I remember it clear as day. I spent all day at your side to make sure you where safe after all."

He spoke as the Scout lent him the small stones they had plucked up alongside the carrot... it wasn't a fun memory.. yet it was their memory to cherish and laugh about as they made their own snowman , early in the winter as well amongst the old ruins of the lost yellow kingdoms....

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