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It's Sauturday morning. November 11th
And, everything seems normal so far, at least to Izuku Midoriya. As his alarm annoyingly beeps on his desk, he gets to his morning routine, the usual, get up, take a shower, make some breakfast, and fail to remember what he was going to do today.

As he sits down in his dorm, he checks the time to see he has about half an hour to kill in his lack of things to do at the moment. He decides to turn on the news, only to tune in to this.

Japan News
News Anchor: Ladies and gentlemen, I wish I could tell you good morning today, but after the events of last night, it would just be wrong. As Most of you know last night The JLSS(Japan Luxury Super Ship) Lucky Dragon a new class of Cruise Liner was suddenly and violently Destoryed in a sudden storm, that has somehow intensified into a category 3 hurricane Overnight, rescue operations are still Underway. Nothing has been officially Confermed but current reports state that the Death Toll can be as high as 270 lives lost, with thousands injured we can only offer our condolences, Hopes and prayers to the family's, and survivors of this catastrophe. As to the cause of this Apocalyptic Situation however Is suspected to not just be A sudden Hurricane, this is all currently unconfirmed however we have reason to believe that a 3rd party was involved with this Incident, the photographs you are about to see are from the Ship, moments before the ship Apperently Exploded so violently that the light from the explosion could be seen from shore 12 Miles away.

Izuku could not begin to comprehend what he had just heard. This was instantly one of the worst days of his entire life. The only thing that came close to it was the day he was told. He was quirkless.

The screen was showing some blurry photographs aboard a massive supercruiser izuku could vaguely make out the newsperson say the photos were damaged, due to the rain or possibly radiation. Although he was so stunned with shock and dread that he simply failed to hear the voice, He only saw,

(An image is displayed on the screen. It is out of focus and blurry, but a few things are clear. It is raining heavily, and the sky is pitch with the exception of lightning and a massive blue beam striking at the end of the vessel. Although the source of this beam was easily the most critical portion of this photograph, this particular part of the picture was damaged heavily, but the outline of a MASSIVE Bodily frame could be made out. It was HUGE at least 100 meters (328-ish feet) tall and was bulky, with one massive clawed arm barely visible through the distortion. And on the giant creatures face, there was what appeared to be one Giant Glowing Amber Hate-Filled eye.)

That THING... Was the only thing izuku saw in that moment. He did not see the email sent to him about school being canceled until further notice. Izuku was a model student, but even he wouldn't have shown up that day, not with this news.
His mind immediately went to his mother
And he remembered, she was planning to go on a cruise last night...

The fear that coursed through his body at that point was the greatest he had ever felt.
He grabbed his phone and dialed his mother as fast as his physicaly could, accidentally activating his Aquiered quirk in the process.

The phone rang...



Three times.....

Izuku began to fear the worst. His mother would have picked up by the 1st or 2nd ring, She always picked up straight away.

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