E P I S O D E . 2

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Story continues :-

Anurag :- Did we ever met before ?

He asked straight looking into Preeti eyes which are depicting shock making his grip tight on her waist . By his tight grip she came back into her senses , a instant frown apperead on her face .

Preeti :- Pardon !

Anurag :- Did we ever met before ??

He exclamed the same sentence looking deep into her eyes .

Preeti :- Yess.... I mean Noo , I know you , who don't know the most happening Actor of b-town
Anurag . Huda .

She said trying to get out of his tight grip .

Anurag :- Hmm I accept , everyone knows me as a Hero but I didn't asked that !

Preeti :- Than !! Please let me go . Leave me .

Anurag :- I mean Did we met in a person ? Stop trying to move from my hold kiddo .

She snaped her head towards him listening the word " Kiddo . " she don't like anyone calling her kid it reminds her of something which she don't want to remember . Glaring at him for a second she came out of his grip little harshly .

Preeti :- I am no kid and you are no one to call me as such . I don't think we had have met before in person .

Her voice reminisced of someone to him the time he recognized her voice she left from their . A wide smiled apperead on his lips knowing who she is . Without wasting anytime he pronounced who she is ,

Anurag :- Cheekhu ...

He called her nick name to get to know is she really the one whom he is thinking from the time he had listened to the sweet voice back in his house from Neha phone .
She stood their being shock listening her nick name from him whom she had met just few movements back . She don't like her nick name " Cheekhu " hence she don't allow anyone to call her as such except her Dii and sometimes Pushkar and closed ones .
Her eyes widened in blow while he smirked knowing she is the one .

He recognized her the movement he heard her voice when she start to talk with her parents therefore the sky , that voice and her cute antics what pulled him from the car bonnet once by seeing her Moon face he forgot everything and asked the question which left himself shocked .

Walking to her he stood right in front of her smirking looking her blow expression .

Anurag :- I don't have any right to call you as Kiddo ok I accept
Miss . Preeti akka Cheekhu .

Preeti :- How do you know my name ! mainly my nick name ?

Anurag :- When you know me then what is big deal in knowing you !

Preeti :- I Ain't any celebrity like you
Mr . Anurag . I am a simple normal college going girl .

Anurag :- Yess you are so simple , cute adorable college going girl . Studying MBBS 4TH year present going through final exams .

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