Chapter. 2; Expelled

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"I drew curtains closed"

"Drank my poison all alone"

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"Drank my poison all alone"

"How could you Severus?" Lily yelled. "If I didn't he would have sent someone else, and she would really be dead." Severus Replied, "That's fair. I don't know about you but I like being alive. Anyways, let's get this show on the road." Ana said.

The screen lit up showing 'Nancy Reagan High School' Jauntily Macabre music playing in the background, while students walk in and talk to their friends. A small statue of a women is shown, with a stair case behind it. A laugh can be heard. Wednesday and Anastasia are walking by the statue side-by-side, Wednesday's heavy footsteps echoing. They continue walking down the hall, ignoring all the stares. Wednesday's voiceover can be heard, "I don't know who's twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools, run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago...but I admire the sadism." The bell rings, and Wednesday notices a group of jocks laughing while walking away from a locker. They walk up to Pugsley's locker and Wednesday opens it, Pugsley falling out, arms tied and an apple in his mouth. The girls kneel beside him, taking the apple out of his mouth.

"What horrible people would do that?!" Hogwarts exclaims, "Assholes." Anastasia said as if it was obvious.

"I want names." Wednesday demands. "I don't know who they were, honest" Pugsley said, close to tears, "It happened so fast." "Pugsley. Emotion equals weakness." Wednesday said. "That's not true." Ana mumbled.

"Pull yourself together." Pugsley continued wimpering, "Now." Wednesday said and Pugsley immediately stopped. As the girls were untying Puglsey, Wednesday's head flung back, she was in a vision, Ana shrugged and put her hand up to Pugsley's head, red wisps flew out as her eyes turned red.

Suddenly the screen changed, showing the vision.
The jocks were tying Pugsley up while laughing, "You scared, kid? Scared?" One said. They threw Pugsley in the locker and shut an apple in his mouth, shutting the locker.

Wednesday and Anastasia came out of the vision. The bell rings once more. Pugsley looked at them worriedly, "You okay?" Ana's voiceover can be heard, "We're not about to confess to our brother that Wednesday has been recently plagued by visions." Wednesday's voice can be heard, "They come on without warning, and feel like electroshock therapy, but without the satisfying after burn"

"Are you insanse?!" "Yes." Wednesday said.

"Leave this to me." Wednesday said to both Pugsley and Ana. Wednesday then stood up walking away, "Wednesday?" Pugsley called after her, but she kept walking, he then turned to Ana and asked, "What is she gonna do?" "What she does best." She replied with a smirk, as she helped him out of the ropes.

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