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i. warm of heart !

— WHEN ANTHONY WOKE THE NEXT MORNING, tangled in his emerald green bed sheets, he was surprised to find the house so warm

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WHEN ANTHONY WOKE THE NEXT MORNING, tangled in his emerald green bed sheets, he was surprised to find the house so warm. Not warm in the sense of temperature- this was a different sort of warm altogether. It was more of an enchantment; a content and jolly magic that seeped through the wallpaper and into the very structure of the Swan residence.

Like a breath of hot air against icy cold hands.

Icy cold hands.

Thinking about that now, Tony realised he was cold, and as he sat up, he took the blankets with him, wrapping them around himself like a cocoon as he lazily tore off his oxygen mask and hobbled awkwardly to his closet.

Cold, Tony thought, but warm.

He decided to dress to combat his cooled temperature, and found himself comfortable in his usual solid coloured button down shirt and a sporty sweater he'd borrowed from Emmett the previous week, when the vampire had driven him home from the Cullen house and noticed the shiver than ran along his arms despite the heat in the Jeep being cranked to almost sauna-like intensity.

Tony intended to give it back, so he grabbed an extra hoodie he could throw on later and tossed it over his shoulder.

Eventually he was tugging his oxygen tank down the stairs with a little bit more difficulty than usual, his muscle mass not quite being the same as it had been.

Now that this thought crossed his mind, maybe that was why he had developed a constant chill.

Though, even with his laboured breath and the slight fire in his chest, it burned and crackled with more happiness than maliciousness when he saw Charlie and Bella sitting at the kitchen table, chattering quietly.

He could hardly remember a time when there had been such a feeling of togetherness in the house.

"Good morning, Swans." He saluted, earning a couple of mumbled 'good morning's in return.

Tony shoved his extra sweater into his school bag, thankful that it fit between his binders and loose crumpled math assignments laying piled near the bottom.

He put his bag by the door, next to Bella's, before returning to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast of toast and butter, just as Charlie put his bowl in the sink and grabbed his keys.

"Stay safe, kid." The man briefly clapped a hand on his son's shoulder as he made his way to the front door.

"You too, dad." Tony called through his mouthful of toast.

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