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i. hurricane !

— IN ALL THE MONTHS ANTHONY SWAN HAD SPENT IN FORKS, he felt as if he had been living in the eye of a category five hurricane

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IN ALL THE MONTHS ANTHONY SWAN HAD SPENT IN FORKS, he felt as if he had been living in the eye of a category five hurricane. The world around him, for now, had remained calm and relatively unbothered, maybe even friendly. But the boy could practically hear the wind and rain around the corner, approaching him as quick as possible so as to sling tragedy around his neck and hang him with it.

It was an unsettling feeling. He didn't like it.

Since the day Tony had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, the certain prospect of everlasting nothingness was always in the back of his mind. A few months ago, before he'd moved to Forks, he had made his peace and accepted his already doomed future.

But things were different now. Now he had a family that was relying on him getting better.

The guilt of that idea only made him feel worse.

Yet, here he sat in the Carver Cafe across from Reyes Jaylin and Alice Cullen, trying to ignore that sickening feeling in the pit of his chest, and the dryness of his throat.

Reaching forward and grabbing his tall glass of iced tea, he gulped some down in an attempt to water the desert his mouth had become. It didn't work, in fact it probably made it worse- which made Tony scoff internally.

Alice sent him an odd look, to which he shook his head at with an eased smile, assuring her everything was fine as he itched at the tube under his nose and tuned back into the conversation.

"— so essentially my studying and labour has been useless and I've gotten nowhere. Oh, happy day." Reyes finished sarcastically, stuffing a couple more fries in his mouth.

Reyes has become closer to the Cullen's since they'd met him. In the beginning, after Tony had been released from the hospital for getting in that fight with Liv's ex, they were all a bit sceptical actually letting him into their lives.

During the chaos of what happened, no one had time to really think about his presence, but after everything settled they noticed little things about him that offset them. He was oddly generous and almost suspiciously kind.

Or maybe the Cullen's were over thinkers.

Eventually they realized he just wanted to help, and was incredibly determined to find some way to heal Tony of his illness. That was something he had in common with Carlisle Cullen, and they'd been working alongside each other trying to get some sort of results.

They hadn't.

The witch continued to beat himself up over his 'stupid' ability or lack there of, and this is what he was ranting about to Alice Cullen and Tony himself.

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