Chapter 13 | Farewell

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The music was loud, just as the people. Bodies were moving and drinks flying. However, we were actually closed tonight. This madness was coming from a bittersweet celebration; Angelo's farewell party. Chris said he's still going to be around a lot, just not nearly as much as he used to be. I'm going to miss him... He's the only person that really helped me when I came here.

Now Devin is taking Ange's place in being my guardian angel. I'm happy for this though. Angelo is ready to be done with this life and deserves to retire from the pole. Plus, Devin is so amazing. I don't know how I got so lucky to have him to come into my life and start protecting me the way that he has.

Devin seems to be having a fabulous time tonight. I, on the other hand, am sitting alone in the corner of the room. Parties just aren't my thing. What made it worse? Seeing another guy all over Devin. Bret, I think was his name. We rarely work the same shift so I barely know him.

Why should it even bother me? Devin isn't my boyfriend. But right now, I wanted to punch that guy and cry all at the same time. I felt majorly possessive over Devin. Maybe I should tell him how I feel. Then again, we are roommates and coworkers. If it doesn't end well, life would get awkward.

Angelo walked over, glass in hand, and sat down next to me. He sighed as he relaxed into the booth seat. "I needed a break."

I forced out a laugh. "I can imagine you've been popular tonight."

"Yeaahhh, it's not really me though. I'm not much of a people person." Ange said.

"I know how that goes." I leaned back in my seat. "It's going to be weird without you."

"Trust me, life away from the club with me weird as fuck for me too. Chris and I are ready to settle down though."

"Oh? Is there a shinny ring in your future?" I teased.

He chuckled. "You'd have to ask him that. What about your love life?"

"What love life?" I groaned.

"A blind man could see you have a thing for Devin."

I sighed as I looked at him across the room. That guy was still all over him, and he was eating it up.

"How do I even compete with a guy like that?" I replied.

"Easy. Devin doesn't care about him, but he cares about you." Angelo stated, like it was really that simple.

"If he cares and he likes me and all, why isn't he all over me like that?"

"Because he's too scared of screwing things up." He responded. "Voice of experience. But once Chris and I finally took the leap, look where it landed us?"

I sighed again. Then I leaned forward and rested my head on the table. This seemed so hopeless!

Chris came over to the table and sat down next to Angelo. They whispered things back and forth, probably about how much I suck and how stupid I am. Somebody turned off the music suddenly and there were some groans.

"Okay, you fucks!" Kuza started. "We've had our fun, but now it's time we all give our wonderful goodbye speeches and all that touchy feely shit! So if everyone could take seat, I'll hand it over to Ryan."

Mike came over and sat down next to me. Everyone else found seats near us, putting their attention on Angelo.

"Josh unfortunately couldn't be here tonight because he's visiting with family out of state, but if he were here, I'm sure he'd tell you what a lovable pain in the ass you are." Ryan joked.

"Amen to that!" Devin added from the back of the room. "Just kidding! I love you!"

The room laughed, and Ryan continued. "Words have never really been my thing, but they are Angelo's. If any of us ever needed someone to talk to or cry to, he was always there. He was kind of our therapist. Hopefully this place doesn't fall apart without you. You were always always there, Ange. We all owe you thanks for that."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Chris replied. "I remember his first day here. Josh brought him to me, scared of his own shadow and covered in dirt, and fear. Even back then, I couldn't help myself from being lost in his eyes. Over the years, as he grew stronger, so did that spark in his beautiful eyes. And now, I get to wake up next to them everyday. You're an amazing man, and I'm so happy you're mine. I love you, Angelo."

Everyone, including myself, awed. They shared a quick kiss, which made me smile. I hope one day I can have what they have. Part of me really wished I get to have that with Devin. When I see him with other men though, I start to think he doesn't care all too much about me.

Could Angelo be right? Does he care to a point he's scared to show it? How will I ever even know? I'm too scared myself to say anything...

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