Chapter 23 | You, Me, & the Devil Makes Three

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A/N: First off, longer chapter since I cheated you guys on the last one. Second, I have nothing against ETF and everything I write about them here is fictional. It's purely for story. Third, thank you all for your amazing support on this story! As well as all my other stories! You all inspire me to keep writing <3 - Nona

I stared back at Craig, not wanting to admit I'd even have to touch him. Even through these dim club lights, I could see the evil in his eyes. Why is he in town? If he's here, then TJ can't be far. When TJ left town with Craig, he swore he wouldn't come back. I tried to ignore him, hoping I could stall until the club closes in about fifteen minutes.

Someone grabbed onto my loose belt, pulling me back. I spun around and caught my balance against one of the poles on the bar top. Craig wasn't letting me get away that easy. I kneeled down to face him. He grabbed me by my necklace and pulled me closer to his face. After the money he gave me, I put up with the rank smell of booze on his breath.

"I know the rules at Voodoo." He said. "That much money gets me more than watching you walk away."

I snubbed my nose at him. "Hm, it's going to take a little more for me to service the man that ruined one of my friends and turned him into a useless drug addict."

His eyes washed over with spite. Craig reached into his back pocket. Then he handed me few bills, all with high numbers. I glanced back up at him and debated it. He might have ruined TJ as a human being, but this is a lot of money to turn down just because I'm pissed about the past. I've given private shows to way worse men for less. I'd fuck anyone for this kind of cash...

I jumped down the back side of the bar. Just for safe keeping, I put all the money I've made tonight in a bag under the bar. I trust Ryan enough to watch in. Then I walked around the side, motioning for Craig to follow me to one of the private rooms.

| Ricky's POV |

When Chris yelled at me for my little income, I was honestly disappointed in myself. I had become well known around this part of town, had regulars that loved me, and I was one of the most popular dancers at Voodoo. Then Devin came into my life and it all went downhill. I let lust and love distract me from my craft.

I'm back into the swing of things. I enjoy the rush of the stage, and I have been making good money. Once an hour it feels like, I'm pulling someone into the backroom for paying highly for my talents. This guy was kind of cute too. He looked like a mix between Jack Sparrow and Nikki Sixx. There were some bruises up and down his arm, probably from shooting up heroine, but I don't care. We get drug addicts through the club all the time because we're in a shady neighborhood. At the end of the day, he gave me enough money to pay rent for the month.

"Do you have a name?" He asked me while I was in his lap.

I smirked. "Road Kill."

"What's your real name, Sweetie?" He purred.

I set my arms around his neck, resting them on the back of the booth seat. I ran one of my hands down his neck as I replied, "That's for me to know, and you to find out."

Normally people don't ask my name, or even talk to me during a private show, but I can't question my customers. Exactly why I didn't ask for his name.

The man wrapped his arm around my waist. He latched his finger in the back belt loop of my jeans, pulling down on it. I arched my back in response, tilting my head back as I ran my hands through his hair. He kissed my bare chest and started to palm me through my jeans. I rolled my neck forward as I moaned.

He moved his hands around my torso. His skin was rough against mine, but I didn't really care. I grinded against him slowly as I explored his chest with my hands. I don't ever actually kiss my clients. Instead, I just get my lips very close to theirs in a seductive matter. He grabbed the front of my jeans, fiddling with the button.

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