Prologue 2 - Home

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The Great Nothing.

One of the greatest voids known across the whole universe. There were larger ones and those with a lower density of stars, but what made this one special was the absurd ratio of area to the number of galaxies.

Plus, the stories and legends that were forged behind it.

Many travelers lost their way within the Void, countless battles took place in the dark abyss, to never be named nor recorded in history. Those who came out alive have said to have seen things, visions of the impossible becoming possible, of the improbable becoming probable.

Indeed, the Loötes void was no regular emptiness, and the reputation it maintained was no mere coincidence either.

So, when the UGF received word from a trio of random mercenaries about a mysterious satellite they'd come across and the message it carried, it wasn't too surprising that such a thing would originate from the Void.

Although, such a detail was overshadowed in comparison to the new hope that presented itself to the universe; a new species of intelligent life was discovered within a place thought to be devoid of life. A door was unlocked for the anthropomorphic aliens, and behind that door was Humanity, Humankind, Mankind, whichever you preferred.

Ironically, some of the UGF's members pointed out the fact that mankind had the word "man" in it, along with human and every other version the newly emerged species called itself. Whether that was the universe's way of joking or a complete accident was up to debate, but it didn't matter.

They had found an untouched goldmine, a literal treasure planet that could save everything they worked so hard for.

When the news about the existence of the human race spread within the highest ranks of the federation, they kept everything under the rug. They weren't stupid, they knew that if the public knew of the existence of a species that managed just fine and had a population of approximately eight billion with a one to one ratio of males and females, they'd all rush towards the Void in search for a luxury only past generations used to have; a husband.

Not everyone, obviously, but the chaos created would be too much to handle even for a multi-galactical governing body.

Hence only the elite were in on the matter, and the three mercenaries par the deal they made with the federation in exchange for the invaluable probe.

Speaking of the matter at hand, after careful consideration and discussion, the federation had come up with the perfect course of actions; launch a secret expedition into the Void.

It was a daring move, one that could go wrong in more way imaginable and cost them everything, but it was the best option they had. High risk, high reward. If they succeeded in making contact with humanity and make peace with them, many females would be very, very happy.

So, the UGF began preparations; they needed a crew, a big one, and more importantly, a loyal one. In the timespan of three days, around one hundred thousand personal were recruited for, codenamed, Operation Haven, all of them aware of what they were selected for, the honor of such a position encouraged them to stay loyal to the government and the plan.

Vessels were next in order, and the ones most suitable for the mission at hand were the Dreadnoughts; they were slow, but destroying one without a particle canon was nigh impossible. There was no need for speed, they needed armor to shield their crew and the precious men that would return with them if everything went accordingly, not that they would let anything get in their new goal.

Next were the supplies; stockpiles of food, water, fuel, oxygen, medicine, aphrodisiacs, and everything else they'd need for a journey that could last anywhere between an hour at best and a month at worst, though space time was sometimes a little funky.

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