the start

201 9 1

Y/n pov

God dammit...

Radio: alright yall, I have a special message tonight for a good friend. I know your listening y/n, and I can't stop ya, so give that bastard hell to one helluva soundtrack. See ya brother...

A mere second after the man on the radio spoke, an all too familiar song started playing. It was strangely enough quite appropriate for my plans tonight.

3rd pov

I got home from wichita couple days before I thought...

Drive down a country road was two trucks, both going upwards of 90 miles.

Didn't recognize the truck parked in my drive

My boots hit the hardwood floor

Busted through the bedroom door

In the first truck is a blonde hair man wearing nothing but a pair Jean, sweating bullets as he looked over his shoulder too the pursuing truck.

Guess I must've of caught you by surprise

By the time he got his buckle on, I hit the safe and grabbed my gun

In the following truck was a slightly older man then the first, short brown hair and a thick beard sprinkled with a few gray hairs

Y/n: come on you sonuva bitch!

The man looked to his fuel gauge seeing just over half a tank of gas left.

You were beggin' me with tears in your eyes

In the man's left hand was a colt 1911, his knuckles white as he tightly gripped the fire arm.

Screamin' "baby let him go! You don't want that on your soul"

Rolling down his window, the pursuer proceeded to fire 3 shots at the truck ahead of him.

I said " a man is gonna die tonight"

I'm chassin' tail lights straight as the crow flies

Huntin' justice down a country road

As the man continues his chase, unbeknownst to him, a flock crows start flying alongside him. Each crow with glowing red eyes and a smokey black trail left in their wake.

I've got a shotgun, it's riding shotgun!

And we're both fixin' to unload!

Son, I know what you've done!

There's only one way to out run me...

You better pray your tank don't beat mine to E...

The road turned from paved to a dirt road. Passing a sign saying welcome to 'Midland County', the landscape was barren, the only exceptions being oil pumps and cotton fields.

Just blew past the county line

That needle's pushin' 95, I'm on you like a shadow move for move

The bearded man locks eyes with the bastard he's been chasing in the rear view mirror.

All you see is my headlights

I see the white in your eyes

That fear, mirrored in your rearview

The fleeing man continues to push down harder and harder on the gas. Praying to God he out runs the man chasing him. Violently whipping his steering wheel, he manages to drift around the corner by the skin of his teeth.

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