Just Relax

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Jason Todd x Vigilante Reader

Description: Sometimes its okay to come home and relax after a stressful few weeks at work.

Warnings: slight nudity but nothing descriptive or smutty

Notes: this isn't my best work considering the time I wrote it. 

I did decide [Y/N]'s hero name and outfit but feel free to change it! ^^


||[Y/N] POV||

With one final fist to the attackers temple, they were out cold on the ground. My chest heaved as I let out short shallow breaths, looking at the masked man crumpled at my feet. The little devil on my shoulder told me to stomp on his throat, but it was the fearful whimpers of the woman behind me that drew me back to my scenes.

"Are you alright madam?" I asked fulling turning around, subtly scooting the man's body away with my boot. "Ye-yes'm." she trembled, still pressed against the wall. There was nothing but pure fear in eyes. I watched her dark dilated pupils dart all around my body. Examining the simple black get up – the black kevlar turtle neck with dark cargo pants and black ankle boots. But the thing that her eyes were focused on were the twin knives, safely tucked away in their holsters on my thighs. I could practically see her imagining me mugging her with them. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I tried to sooth, my voice muffled through the dark face mask that concealed my identity.

I took a step to her, my hand extended out to try and comfort her but that only made the young woman recoil. Her eyes were no longer fixated on the blades, but now my face, trying to depict who I was. "Do you need me to escort you home?" I gently offered, not making any move to get closer to her. "No-no I'm okay." The woman quickly responded and began to shuffle her way towards the street, her back still against the wall.

"I don't-....mind." I sighed watching her finally make it to the end of the wall and out to the street. She shot me one more fearful look and was out of sight.

"Why does this never happen to Jay?" I grumbled, propping up the unconscious man against a dumpster. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to dial GCPD, my patrol didn't end until midnight, but seeing that it was currently 11:38 p.m. I decided that it was close enough for me to call it and head home.

It didn't take long for the sirens to blare and the red and blue flashing lights to appear. I kept my spot on the roof, laying flat, my belly against the roof floor, watching them load the half awake man into the cruiser. Once the police lights were switched off and they were headed quietly down the road I heaved myself to my feet. My back was stiff, and I could barely lift my arms. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed it before, but there wasn't time to worry about it now. Right now, all that I wanted was to get home, curl up in my bed and never wake up again.

- - -

By the time I climbed down the apartment complex's fire escape and got to mine and Jason's apartment I noticed the lights in the living room were off. 'That's odd...normally he waits for me to get back before going to bed.'

I sighed shaking my head, quietly lifting up the window and slipping into the dark apartment. 'Can't say I blame him. I don't know what kind of hell he's gone through today.' I stood by the couch for a few moments, surveying the area. Our apartment wasn't anything grand, but it wasn't anything sloppy either. It was borderline with simple and classy. (Bruce wouldn't let us settle for less) Jason didn't care what kind of apartment we got, or what level it was on, all he wanted was a big kitchen for him to prepare all sorts of meals and pastries in. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Come to think of it, Jay and I hadn't made anything together for a while. Maybe with us both being off work tomorrow we could make something.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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