Y/N's Thoughts about the Housewardens

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I wanted to make a short chapter to show the thoughts of our dear reader a.k.a Y/N

Riddle Rosehearts - Y/N likes to spend time with him because he enjoys your company and the fact that you snitch on the rulebreakers of the dorm and tell him about what rule they broke.

Your Thoughts - Completely fun and enjoyable! As long as he's not angry it's nice to be around Queen Riddle!

Leona - Dislikes you 100% due to how much you remind him of Cheka due to the fact your always so gosh darn happy.

Your Thoughts - I have to pour water on him to get him to attend his classes Father allows it though!

Azul - Disguisted by the fact you call his octopus form cure and hates it when you call him "Tiny Octo" always gets laughed at by the leech twins.

Your Thoughts - His contracts are super sus..But the food is great at the lounge but the tacos are disguisting

Kalim - Thinks Y/N is a ray of sunshine in the desert heat and loves to ride the magic carpet with you on it!

Your Thoughts - The food in Scarabia Is great! I help Kalim learn more easier recipes so that he can cook for his dorm!

Vil - He honestly despises you due to how much your always up all night or doing whatever you want and not caring abt your beauty.

Your Thoughts - A total Drama Queen who puts most people in his dorm through painful routines. Note to self. Never go to Pomefiore

Idia Shroud - It's fun to play games with Y/N when she visits my dorm....She's always so excited and cheerful about everything..

Your Thoughts - Idia can be a really fun gaming partner! As long as your not afraid of the dark nothing can go wrong!

Malleus - Y/N can be really well-mannered sometimes when I see her she reminds me of Rosehearts so much..!

Your Thoughts - Fairy King can be so cute sometimes..! I just love sometimes going around to his dorm to visit him.!

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