Chapter 3

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Before we hop into this just a reminder that when it says like Ghostface's it's referring to Danny, Billy, and Stu and if you don't like the idea of having all three of them that's fine you don't have to read it but I couldn't pick just one or the other so have fun reading!!

-The Ghostface's POVs-

"Alright I won't keep you waiting on your food.  I'll talk to ya soon sweetheart."

And with that we hang up.

Were standing outside of
Y/N's kitchen window watching them scarf down their slices of pizza it's kinda funny how oblivious they are when they eat even after the conversation just had over the phone. After a few moments of getting impatient deciding now might as well be a good time to strike. After all they most likely won't mind.

-Your POV-

You put the pizza box in the fridge and sigh

"Dude I'm stuffed."

You say to your self walking back down the hall but instead of going to the living room you head up the wide staircase to your room which is the second room on the left. Wait why aren't you being more careful about this?! Oh what the hell not like shits getting better anyways. You make your way to your closet and change into some comfy clothes. (Of your choice♡)

You then hear a loud noise coming from the kitchen. startled and quickly forgot about what happened like 10 min ago, you bolt out of your room grabbing a pocket knife from the top of your dresser before running down the stairs.

"Who's there show yourself!"

You yell out hopeing the intruder heard and ran off but realizingyou just broke horror movie survivor's rule. "Moron" You thought to yourself. You continue down the hall to the kitchen anyways and stoped to see your pizza box from earlier open on the counter with two whole pieces missing and a  half of one with bite marks is left.

"What the hell? Really."

You look at it with a confused expression then you hear multiple footsteps coming from behind you, but before you could look a hand is placed over you mouth. You look up to see a taller man with a ghost mask on and you immediately knew who it was just from the amount of stories you have wrote about him and the photographs.

"Hiya Y/N did ya miss me?"

You stood there taking in the situation after a few seconds, and you suddenly saw two others wearing Ghostface masks. You try to push the man off of you but you failed he held you in a tight grip against his chest, and you stood there helplessly but then you suddenly remembered that you have you pocket knife and you reach into your pocket to grab it but it wasn't there.

"Looking for this?"

One of the other Ghostface said as you turned to him and you gave him a dirty look. And your a little pissed off by his action of taking your only protection. The Ghostface holding onto you takes his hand off your mouth.

"What the hell is going on!"

"Sorry we were impatient of waiting so now we're here."

The other Ghostface that's standing beside the one holding onto my knife says, and laughs.

"Let me go damnit!"

You say trying to get out of his grip.

"Hmm I don't know, maybe if you can make a deal with us then maybe I'll let you go how's that sound?"

"What kind of deal?"

"Hmm I dunno maybe letting us stay with you and then we might let you go."

You were about to make a big deal about this but y'know they are killers. And you have rooms for them so you guessed if it was between your life and a spare room you'd choose your life and just willingly give the rooms to them.

"Fine. You got a deal, now let me go. And don't make a mess."

"Yay! Oh and yes ma'am we won't make a mess."

The Ghostface beside the one with your knife says excitedly.

Thanks for reading!

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