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𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞... 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫


"Lana! Lana!"

Ugh! I groaned. Mum could literally scream down the roof of this house with her insanely loud voice.

Slowly and carefully, I applied my eyeliner and gently brushed my lashes. One of my best features is my eyes, doe shaped with hazel coloured orbs and insanely black long lashes.

I am dressed in baggy black t shirt, black baggy joggers and black Nike trainers. That's right, black is my favorite color.

Deciding I look good, I hang my bag and waltz out of my room.

"Good morning father" I greet taking a seat at the dining

"How was your night dear?" says dad, looking up from his newspaper.

"It was alright" I reply.

My dad, an insanely handsome Nigerian man who looked too young for his age. Chocolate brown skin, full afro hair, tall, athletic build. Safe to say, my dad is many women's dream man. And I didn't inherit much from him, only his height.

"Thought you would never come down" a voice says. I don't need anyone to tell me who it belongs to

Snapping my head towards her direction, I scowl

"Mum! You need to take a chill pill. You know it's Monday morning and I have to take extra time to make sure I look good!"

She say nothing but playfully glares at me.

My mum, an absolute American beauty. Beautiful white skin, long brown hair, average height, beautiful eyes. Gorgeous all round. I am my mother's carbon copy, except my hair is curly and full where her's is long and straight.

"Come help me set the table" she says.

"Urgh!!' I groan standing up, trailing behind her as we enter the kitchen. The scent of hot toast, waffles and bacons hit me and I inhale in pleasure.

"Hmmm! This smells amazing mum" I grin at her

"I try my best!" She replies, smiling at me.

"Hmmm, c'mon mum. You know you don't try, your cookings are legit the best!"

She chuckles quietly.

"Thanks dear, now come on. Your dad must be starving"

I nod my head and together, we carry the trays to the dining and sit down. Mum dishes the food into our plates.

"Let's pray" dad says.

"Father thank you for the food and water, we offer it to you as a sacrifice of thanks giving for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed"

"Amen" we chorus.

We start eating quietly the only sound being that of the cutleries hitting against the glass plates.

I drink my last sip of tea and stand up.

"Thanks for the food, mum, dad" I say, gathering my plates.

"Thank God!" he says.

I make to leave

"Lana?" Calls dad. I halt in my tracks, turning abruptly.


"Uh... we... uh... we hav- your mother and I have something to tell you. Go drop the plates in the kitchen and come back" dad says.

"Okay" I walk into the kitchen and quietly rinsed my plates dropping them on the rack, my mind wandering what this could be about.

I hear them whispering to each other and it only piqued my interest more. Hurriedly, I dry my hands exiting the kitchen.

"Alright! Let's get this over with, I have to catch up with ma girls" I say, sitting down.

They say nothing for a while.

Just glancing at each other nervously as though having a mind discussion.

"Are you gonna tell me or just continue your not so discreet glances?" I ask impatiently.

"Watch your tone ileana!" Dad snaps. Internally, I roll my eyes.

"Your grandma wants you to go live with her back home in Nigeria"

I blink once.

I blink twice

"WHAT!!!" I scream, standing up

"Calm down" Dad says.

"Yes dear, c-calm down" mum adds, looking quite troubled. Angrily, I shake my head

"NO! Don't tell me to calm down. How can grandma even request such??? Doesn't she know I have a life here? I go to school here, all my friends live here!! This is literally where I've spent all my life! I can't just leave out of the blue... No! Hell naw! I ain't going!" I yell banging my hands on the dining table.

Call me a brat or whatever you want, I don't care! But me, go to Nigeria? No way in hell!

"Don't talk about your grandma like that! Have some respect! You are going to Nigeria, whether you like it or not and that's final!" Says dad calmly as though I didn't just pull a tantrum and that angers me even more.

Eyes ablaze and mouth fixed in a scowl, I seethe with rage.


"Get back here young lady! Ileana! I said get back here!' dad screams. I pay a deaf ear.

"Calm down honey, just let her go cool off. She'll come around" I hear mum say.

I Scoff.

Yeah, right. Let's see if I'll come around. *Insert air quotes*

I catwalk to my personalized pink colored BMW M4.

"Rodrick! Rodrick!!" I call for my chaffeur.

"Yes ma?" He says the staunch man, running to where I stand.

"The next time you make me to shout your name, just kiss goodbye to your job. Is that understood!"

"Yes ma!" He replies, bowing.

"Drive me to school!" I hiss entering the car. What an incompetent chaffeur.


What are your thoughts on Ileana's character and behavior?

Yeah, I know. She's a spoilt brat 👀🤑

Anyways ...


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