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Stepping down from the plane, my skin is pricked by the intensity of the sun shining down violently.

Reality sets in and I look around me, not quite believing that I'm actually here; in Nigeria. This is really happening?!

Turning to dad with the speed of light I fall on him, gripping his hand tightly.

"Dad please! It's not too late to turn back and tell grandma that it can't work. Please dad, you know how hard it is for me adapting to changes in my environment. I won't be able to cope, let's just go back. Please dad! Pleaseee I'm begging you!!"

Shaking his head at me, he gently pried my fingers off his hand.

"Ileana, we are already here. There's no going back, and I believe I had already told you this decision is final. Rather I'll advise you to channel that energy you use in begging to trying to adapt here. Nigeria isn't an easy country like America, believe me. Now come on, let's find our chaperone" he says, eyes roaming around.

I sigh, defeatedly. Why can't he just reason with me?

"Ah ha!" He yells jerking me out of my thoughts.

"Come along, I've spotted him" he says to me as he began walking away, rolling my bus behind him.

Sluggishly I trail behind him, wishing I could just disappear from here. As we inch closer, I notice the man or young guy rather holding up a sign that read: THE ANDERSONS.

"Good day sir and madame, I'm Moses and I presume you are the Andersons?" He says.

"Yes we are. I'm David Anderson and this is my daughter Ileana Anderson" dad introduces.

Moses smiles at me and I scowl in return. I observe him closely, he looks quite young; probably in his early twenties, tall fit physique, full afro hair, rich caramel skin with a well defined jawline. Safe to say, he's very good looking.

"Leana, come get in the car" dad says drawing my attention. Rolling my eyes, I climb in choosing the back seat.

After loading my luggage into the boot, Moses settles in the driver's seat. Bringing the car to life, he backs up slowly and then drives out of the airport into the open road.

Dad stirs up a conversation with Moses and soon they're laughing and discussing as though they've known each other for years. Great to see they're kicking it off well! Note the sarcasm.

Not wanting to look left out or be included in the conversation, I bring out my headset connecting it to my phone; I play Another love by Tom Odell.

The lyrics fill my inner being putting me in serene peace and calmness.

Staring out the window as people and trees pass by in a blur, I wonder, just what kind of life awaits me here??


"Here we are" Moses announces as he drives into an estate. We had to wait for a good five minutes; honking for the lazy security to come open the huge gate. SMH

I admire the houses and their designs, sure I have seen better in America but these are equally beautiful as well.

Moses stops in front of a gold coloured gate and honks twice. Soon, a black lanky looking man rolls the gate open and we drive in.

The house is a mansion, very huge and gorgeous, jaw dropping infact. I am very impressed, indeed the architecturer and builders really delivered.

We all alight from the car.

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