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              SATURDAY, THE NEXT DAY.

My eyes snap open and I awoke from the insanely loud crowing of the stupid cock, wherever it was. Coupled with an awful headache banging my head. It simply would not stop, that is both the cock and the head ache.

Slowly, I sit up; looking all around me. This isn't my room? And why am I dressed in thi-

"Oh fuck!"

"I'M IN NIGERIA!?!?!" I yell falling back on my bed. I close my eyes and inhale deeply. I guess this is really happening, this is going to be my new home, no more America, no more parties, no more friends. This is my new life... Just for these coming three months. But still!

Resigning to my fate, I stand up and walk to my bathroom. It's all white and very neat, and fancy too.

"Hope there's hot water" I mutter turning the tap. Surprisingly, hot water trickles down the shower head and I smile in contempt. I strip out of my clothes, flinging them on the bed as I grab my phone and began playing Take Care by Drake and Rihanna.

The slow rhythm flows through the speaker as I relax in the tub, the hot water washing down my skin.

About ten minutes later, I tiptoe out of the bathroom all showered and clean. Remembering I haven't unpacked, I zip open my box and pull out my body lotion and oil, applying it all over. Judging from the hot sun already shining outside, I conclude it's gonna be a hot day so I put on a pink colored crop tank top, a white knee length shorts and my black crocs. Simple and cute.

I exit my room, promising to unpack later. As I walk down the stairs I notice a lot of the maids bowing down to greet me, and I find it very odd. I mean, most of them are my age mates or old enough to be my aunt. Anyways, I smile at them so as not to be rude.

As I turn round the corner, I see dad and grandma sitting in a long marble dining, chatting excitedly. The table was filled with all sorts of foods and assortments. I walk up to them.

"Good morning grandma, good morning dad" I say as I take a sit.

"Ehen my daughter " grandma says as she turns to dad, scowling slightly.

"My son, so you haven't taught this girl how to greet in Igbo ehn?" 

"Ah mama, you know how it is over there nau" dad says scratching his head awkwardly.

"Don't say that my son! No matter how it is you must push to teach her, even though it's a few words. Ehn? Don't you know it's disgraceful that she doesn't know how to speak her mother's tongue!" She says shaking her head.

"It's okay mama, now that she is here she will definitely learn how to speak"

"Of course! That is a certain" grandma yells beckoning unto me.

"My daughter dish nau, take whatever you want, o?" She says to me.

Nodding, I take the large plastic spoon and dish out a decent amount of the weird looking yellow coloured rice into my plate. I pick out a wing of the fried chicken, some salad and I pour the apple juice into my cup.

We ate in silence, grandma and dad having little conversation occasionally. After we were through, the maids came in and packed away the plates.

I stood up to leave

"Young lady where are you going to?" Grandma asked

"My room" I reply blankly

"Well over here, once you are done eating you are to thank your parents and thank God. You don't just walk away, is that understood?" Grandma says a frown marring her face. I groan internally as I plaster on a fake smile.

"Thank you grandma, thank you dad. Thank you, God" I say as I shrug.

"Can I leave now?"



"No, you can only go rest a little because very soon we'll be leaving for the mall. We're going shopping to get you new clothes for school" grandma says standing up.

"School?!" I ask turning to dad. He gives me a little nerve smile as he walks to me.

"Your mom and I talked about it and we feel it'll be best to enroll you in a good school here. Instead of just wasting those three months sitting at home, you can go to school and actually achieve something. Don't you think?"

"Ok dad, I guess so" I say shrugging, he's already dragged me down here what choice do I have again?

"Good!" Grandma smiles. "Go put on some real clothes, we'll be leaving by 12 noon" she says, walking away. Dad pecks my cheek as he follows after her.

I went back upstairs and threw on a jacket and a sweat pants. By 12 sharp we left in grandma's range Rover. The mall was really massive and grand, we went through all the clothing sections picking out nice shirts, jeans, joggers and so on.

We returned home by 3:00pm, and safe to say I was exhausted. The driver helped take all the bags up to my room and the maid; favour, helped me to arrange everything into my walk in closet.

I spent the rest of the day listening to music in my room. Dad hadn't yet gotten me my Nigerian sim card so I couldn't call anyone or chat with my friends online.

I came down for dinner by 6:00p.m. we had spaghetti Bolognese with fried turkey and orange juice. Was really nice. Afterwards, I watched Bollywood movies on a channel they called Zee-world, and finally went to bed by 9:00p.m.






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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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