Meet Rameses and Moses

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Back at Beige's house, Metal Smarty pants as Cobra dog shrinks back to normal size*

Metal Smarty falls exhausted

Metal Smarty- Wow....

Cobra dog looks at him*

Metal Smarty- That was amazing

He kisses him back

Cobra dog pulls away and barks saying I love you*

Metal Smarty- I love ya too

Cobra dog went out the window*

Beige and the others came back*

Waspy: It was fun visiting Shen.

Ora- I missed my brother and my nephew

Beige: Yeah.

Metal Savy went upstairs*

She went in her room and sees Metal Smarty sleeping in the bed

Metal Savy smiles and rubs his chest*

He smiles in his sleep.

With the heroes..

Moses years time skipped to 25 years

The heroes see them do a chariot race*

Rameses and Moses with short black hair are doing a chariot race

Arabella - Ooh ! This looks exciting ! I wanna get in this !

Tops: How come we can't do a chariot race?

Arabella gets so excited

Arabella I'm getting in on this !

She runs after them

Tops: Hey!

Malikai: Sis wait up!

Smarty- Oh boy.

They follow after them.

Moses jumped high over Rameses before they continued to race as Arabella giggles and runs after them

They watched them race*

Rameses-( To Moses ) you could have rkilled me !

Moses-( Chuckles ) Where's the fun in that ?!

Rameses-( Smirks ) Oh , it's fun you want Huh ?!

The race has gotten more wild and competitive as they drove onto the slave makeshift catwalks are close to the statue of Pharaoh Seti 1

Arabella continues to run

They continued to follow them*

Arabella giggled as she slid and ran on the catealks after Moses and Rameses

They see they're now on the sand behind the wooden wall*

Tigs: Uh oh.

They look up and see Moses and Rameses made the painter accidentally pain a mustache on Seti's face before the nose of the Seti statue breaks

Pentol: Oh boy.

Then they see Moses and Ramses chuckles as they made it onto the sand as Arabella falls intk the sand yelling

Malikai grabs her and pulls her out*

Arabella- Awww , bro ! I was having fun !!

Malikai: I don't want my wittle sister to get stuck in the sand.

But then they feel the same getting close and see the sand started to sink out

Moses- Uh oh.

Then the wooden wall breaks , letting the huge sand out like a tsunami and Arabella jumps in screaming excitedly along with the Egyptian brothers.

The high priests Hotep and Guy froze in fright as they see the huge body of sand flowing at them. They screamed and ran fast leaving their preaching group behind.

Moses and Ramses scream excitedly as they ride on the surfing wave of sand along with Arabella- giggling wildly

Arabella- ( Giggles ) WE'RE GONNA DIIIIIIIIIEEERE !!!

Zack: Wait what?!

Savy hugs Smarty screaming*

Tops giggles with Markus

Markus- Wheeeeeeee !!!

Tops- Whoo hoo !!!

Arabella- sped passed them and slid all the way to the road where Moses and Ramses are heading

Ramses- are we going to get in trouble for this ?

Moses- Not a chance !

The heroes look and see Arabella- slid on the road

Morty: That was fun!

But Moses and Ramses see Arabella on the road and ye before they quickly pulled over down the hill to avoid running her over

Tigs: Uh oh. They see her.

They ran over to her before the Egyptian princes went back in the road

Moses- Are you crazy ?! We could have KILLED you !

Ramses- Indeed !

Arabella- Sorry... I was just having some fun !

Tops went over and helps her up*

Ramses-What a minute... You aren't from Egypt. None of you are !

Tigs: Oh, that's because we came here to know about this place. We came from the great weasel god Tenitius.

Ramses- Tenitius ?

Moses- I heard of Anubis the Jackal god , the cat God , and the Falcon god , but never a weasel. Who are you guys ?

Malikai: I am Tenitus's assistant Lord Malikai, and these are my siblings the weaselings, and these are the Weasel god's guards Smarty, Greasy Wheezy, Psycho and Stupid, and this is the lovely young goddess Princess Savy and her siblings.

Smarty- And I'm her husband you dumb fuck !

Arabella- Yeah bro way to make Savy look BETTER than all of us !

Malikai whispers: Do you want to be executed?

Arabella yips and zips her mouth shut*

Malikai: And the reason why you didn't know about Tenitus is because his knowledge about him is forbidden, and must never be shared about it to anyone else like strangers. Otherwise there will be a consequence.

Tops: Yeah like oozing noses. Icky.

Ramses- I see.

Arabella -( To Malikai) Okay Fellow God brother. Since you made the rest of us feel so OLD by calling Savy YOUNG and PRETTY , when you're done being a SNOBBY GOD give me a call because I'm going to get this sand out my fur !

Malikai: Because you are joyful and very hilarious and pretty as well wittle sister *boops her belly*

Arabella screams and giggles*

She gets on his back for a piggyback ride making him chuckle

Moses- We'll we were just about going home if you want to come

Smarty- Sure. We don't mind.

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