Parting the red sea

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After singing , Moses, Tzipporah, Miriam , Aaron , and The heroes looked up a head and see they're close to the shore of the ocean

The Hebrews took a break to stretch their legs and give the animals water and for the people to drink water*

Smarty- We did it !

Savy: We really did. *snuggles him*

But then one of the Hebrews blew the horn*

They looked and see Ramses in a turquoise war outfit with a chariot alongside a huge army of Egyptians are coming down at them

Arabella- It's Ramses !

The Hebrews scream in panic, then a storm came*

Moses looks. Before a huge wae of flames stops Ramses and his army

Tigs: This won't hold him back for long.

Zack: What do we do?

Moses: I have an idea.

He looked up at the sky and then placed his staff in the water splitting the ocean in half , allowing a possible path between the walls of water

Arabella- Hey ! So that's where Mothra Leo got it from !

Ludel: Yeah!

Moses then leads the Hebrews through as they all look and see the whales and fish swimming around the water walls

Tops and Markus: Whoa.....

Arabella sticks her head in the water

Malikai chuckles*

Arabella is amazed as she holds her breath in the water as Malikai- went over to her

Malikai: Okay sis, we need to keep going silly.

He gently pulled her head out of the water

Arabella- Awwww !

Malikai: Come, I'll give you a piggy back ride.

Arabella- Eee !

Then the flames disappeared. Ramses takes his sword.

Ramses- CHARGE !!!

The Egyptians started racing down the hill towards the short while the Hebrews we're almost to the other side

Arabella- We're gonna die !

Malikai: Moses we need to stop them!

Everyone raced to the top of the other hill while Moses and the heroes stayed ashore and the ocean walls started to rush down like a river

The water washed the Egyptians away*

Including Ramses. Tzipporah , Aaron , Miriam and the Hebrews watch in shock and worry as they all gasped

Rameses was washed on the rock far away from them*

Wheezy: We did it!

Crystal - Yeah !

The Hebrews cheered. But Moses and the Heroes hear shouting from afar.

They look back and see on the other side where on the rock , is Ramses shouting in anger , rage , remorse , and sadness that he has lost everything. His dignity , his honor , his army , his son. And more importantly..... The only brother who truly loved him.


Malikai: Poor Rameses.

Greasy nodded his head no*

Moses was sad and upset he had to separate from his brother again. But he knew it was the only way to keep everyone safe. And it hurts him deeply to do this.

Moses- Goodbye brother......

Moses- then turned around and leaves before the heroes looked at each other.

Smarty- Dang.... Am I the only one who kinda feels bad for Ramses ?

Ludel: Yeah, but he was very greedy treating the Hebrews bad.

Psycho: I agree.

Savy: It's a shame we don't know who is me and my siblings's ancestors.

Smarty- But still though. I think it was Seti's fault. Ramses was taught be an evil person who had baby boys fed to crocodiles and called his eldest son the weak link. And sadly not only he lost his son but he lost a brother permanently now....

Pentol: Yeah, but nothing can be changed, we can't change the past, otherwise there will be consequences of the future.

Tigs: Yeah.

Smarty- Yeah.... You're right.

They watch the Hebrews celebrate. Tzipporah smiled proudly to her husband.

Tzipporah - Look at your people , Moses-. They're free now.... Because of you.

Moses smiled back to his wife while Miriam and Aaron smiled happily watching their baby brother who saved the Hebrews

Shadette: So, did we find out who our ancestors are?

Tigs found a piece of Moses hair

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