A New Game

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As we all turned to the jumbotron we saw two masked figures on screen, one looked wore a comedy theater mask while the other wore a tragedy theater mask, safe to assume these were the two people who talked to us earlier. Without little hesitation the one with the happy mask started speaking, "Welcome to the 64 for of you lucky enough to have found a key card. Now you probably have a lot of questions right now but spoiler alert we can't hear you, so we'll answer the questions we think you'll ask." The guy in the sad mask then spoke, "First off, yes those who didn't find a key card have in fact died, kinda awkward. What did you think we'd just leave every else here while the game continued?" Wait what did he say, their treating this like a game now, and that there's still more after this. The happy mask then said a little bit annoyed, "Come on man I was supposed to tell them that there's more after this." The sad mask let out a sigh then said, "You can take my next part then." Happily, he replied, "Yay! Ok so here's how things are gonna go from here on out, basically you are contract killers and your targets are drum roll please. Bududududu. each other." When he said that what little sense of calm in the air quickly disappeared again. He then continued, "But don't start the killing yet there are rules that you have to follow. First, you aren't allowed to kill anyone other than who your assigned to, anyone else's blood on your hand results 'bzzzz'. You and one other rando have been assigned to kill each other, you both have two weeks to kill each other plenty of time for you to them track down and kill them wouldn't you say, failure to kill your target will also result in a little zap zap and we'll be keeping a close watch of everything so don't bother sitting at home and hoping you don't bite it." He really wasn't giving us choice in the matter in order for us to live we have to kill another person if not we'll be dead in two weeks. "How will you know who your target is? That's simple a week from now we'll send the information to your phones back at your houses, it also comes complete with your targets information measurements, likes, dislikes, what they look for in a significant other, etc. Ok I think that's everything how did I do." The Sad Mask then replied, "Alright I suppose but yeah I think that's everything, good luck to you all and remember to watch your back cause starting a week from know someone will be after you."

Five days later I was able to make it back to my college dorm upon arrival I let out every single ounce of panic I was able to keep bottled up til now. "This is how I'm gonna die. A participant in an all or nothing hunt or be hunted game", this kept repeating in my mind as tears ran down my face. With only two days left until this game starts, I was running out of time. The next day I tried to continue with school as if nothing happened but I couldn't even do that the school has been closed down because several of the students myself included went missing, when I was found wondering around campus they immediately took me into custody and questioned me. I considered telling them what actually happened, but from what those bastards said before it sounds like they have eyes and ears everywhere, plus they'd never believe a story as crazy as me being sent to an abandoned city for a life or death scavenger hunt. So, I made up some story about how some douches were following me, so I thought to hold up in my room for a few days and hope that they move on. Soon enough they let me go but I was still screwed. The last two days went by fast, and soon enough it was midnight and this twisted game started.

Like the masked guys said I got sent information on a person, this includes name, a picture, as well as a last known location. My targets name was Sebastian Perry from his picture he looked about my age and not much of threat maybe I can actually kill him and be able to survive for at least two more weeks. When I saw his last known location that's when a chill was sent down my spine he was on my campus, if I really want to survive this now's the perfect chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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