Chapter 10

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"No."I tell him firmly.

Will groans,"Its the fastest way to get there Death Boy,"He argues.

I glower at the unforunite nickname,"I am not getting on a plane."I tell him for the millionth time.

He gives me his own glare,"Then how do you expect we get to New York?Seeing as you're the one that landed us in Cali in the first place."

I glare even harder at him as he puts the blame on me.Even though he is right.I cross my arms,"We leave the same way we got here.Shadow travel."

His eyes narrow to pinpricks."No way."Ge growls.

I keep glowering as I argue,"Will,I can handle it.I'm fully healed now."

He's shaking his head before I even finish the sentence,"No.We don't know what it would take for you to start fading again."

I rub at my eyes with a groan,"Its been two months."I stress the amount of time I've been out of touch with my powers.

He doesn't let up."I don't care.You are not shadow travelling anywhere."The way he says it lets me know he doesn't just mean back to New York.

I gap at him,"You don't want me to ever shadow travel again,do you?"

His eyes widen and he begins to fidget.I can feel the surprise on my face as I stare at him.Why wouldn't he want me to shadow travel?Is it because he doesn't want me to leave?I mean,he obvisiously has some sort of feelings for me if all the kisses aee anything to go by.

"Will,"My voice has suddenly become a low croak.I try to find my bearings,assure him I don't want to leave him either.

But Will's backing away from me,"I'm hungry.I'll go and find something to eat.You wait here."And he's hurrying away from me.

In his absence I try to wrap my head around the staggering fact that Will Solace,the brightest of campers,wants to keep me,Nico diAngelo son of Hades darkest camper out of both camps,around.

I start to smile when I feel it.The slight shift that tells me a demigod is about to die.My first reaction is panic,thinking it's Will.Then urgency when I try to find him.But confuion sets in when the vibe is coming from the complete wrong direction.

Will had scurried off towards the line of shops,this shudder against my skin is coming from an abondoned warehouse.Drawing my sword I slowly close in on the warehouse.The closer I get the more I hear the stomping,hissing and slight whimpers.

I throw open the door and realise that was a huge mistake.Standing at least fifteen feet tall is a drakon.Its long tail is curled around the back wall of the wide room,claws hoisting up two crates in each hand,fangs out for display with its venom dripping onto the floor causing the concrete to sizzle and boil.Its nostrils are flaring with its hungry eyes roving over me,as if assesing which part to lunge for first.

Over by the corner I see him.Small and curled in a small ball.Shaggy black hair hangs in his equally dark eyes.His pale skin shines through in the dim light.I'm distracted by the fact that this boy reminds me so much of myself that I don't see the swipe if the drakon's massive claw until it wallops me straight across the room.

I groan as I slump downwards,my ribs protesting as I go.Great.The ribs again,as if the damage from the cyclopes wasn't enough.I can see the drakon stalking towards me,unconcealed hunger in its eyes.Acting on instinct I get to my feet and start to slash.The monster doesn't like the sting,throwing out a claw,it hauls me up by my ankle and slams me against the roof.

All the air in my lungs whooshes right out.The drakon's large hand keeps me squashed against the roof as it stretches upwards,licking its lips in antcipation.The boy screams shrilly,distracting the drakon enough for me to pull my sword free and drive the blade hilt deep into its arm.

The monster howls in pain and drops me.Weak from the crushing of my ribs and no doubt brusing on my back I fall hard onto my arm,gaining a deep gash that quickly starts to gush deep scarlet blood.I hiss in pain and try to stand with my wounded arm limp by my side.Great.

The drakon's nostrils flare at the delicious scent of demigod blood.Its lets out a deep growl and stomps its way urgently towards me,swatting aside empty crates that cause deafening cracking noises.I take cautious steps back,wondering if I have enough room to conjure up enough skeletons.The bones beneath the contrete thrum underneath me,as if urging me to use them.

I try to call them but with my blood still oozing out of the exposed slash on my bicep,right over the scar the lycans left.My breathing shallows as I put all of my energy into summoning them when suddenly an arrow lodges into the drakon's shoulder.

We both pause,the drakon in mid-stomp and me with my sword barely raised with the ground trembling beneath me,to see Will,swinging high above the drakon,with his bow drawn and an arrow notched.The relief I feel when I see him is short lived when the drakon hisses and attempts to swat him mid-air.But Will stops its attempts with a well placed arrow to its forehead.

He swings back and thats when I see the plank stretching from one side of the building to the other that has a thick rope dangling over the edge.Another groan tells me that Will scored another hit on the drakon.Shaking my head I charge in to attack the legs,the need to protect Will over ruling the pain.

As a claw appears to my side,preparing to sweep me aside I slash a wide arc causing the hand to tumble off and the drakon to howl in pain.More arrows decorated its upper torso,shoulders,and head.I drive my sword deep into its gut and plunge it upwards.The drakon falls with a resounding thud.Will cuts the rope and flips in mid-air so that he lands in a crouch beside me.He stumbles slights as he gets to his feet,another arrow ready to fly.

His eyes find mine,"You ok?"He asks out of breath.

I numbly nod my head.He lowers the bow when the drakon disintergrates.He's breathing hard as he looks to me again.

"I can't leave you alone for two minutes,Death Boy,"He says in mock dissappointment.

I scowl and am about to retort when a scuffling sound comes from the corner.Will instantly has his sword in hand."No,"I tell him,hand on his arm as I fix my eyes on the rumpled figure slowly and cautiously approaching us."He's a demigod.I'm sure of it."

Up close the boy looks more neglected and younger and also unbelievely good looking.For some reason I feel like I know him,like we share a common sorrow or a pain.

I take a few steps closer,"Hi,"I start tentively,unable to look away from those dark eyes.

"Hi,"His voice is clear and high.His eyes don't leave me,"Are me?You seen the monster too?"

I nod my head.

"Do you not know what you are?"Will asks gently,stepping closer as well.

The boy's eyes widen at the sight of Will.I don't blame him,Will just has this way with people.Not to mention he's unaturally bright in appearence.He just seems to glow.

He nods though,"My Dad visits me,explains things to me."

Will's eyes widen along with mine,"Your dad actually visits you?As in,he comes to you and not just speaks to you in your mind?"Will asks in a hushed voice.

The boy frowns and shakes his head."He said that I would always be a wanderer.That there was no place for me and that he was sorry for that."

Before Will can ask why the god lied about camp I cut in,"Whats your name?Whos your dad?"

He straightens,almost in determination,"I am Seth,son of Thantos."

Will gaps even further,"The god of Death?"Seth nods,he looks ready to defend his dad,but nervous all the same.

Now I know why we click.I manage a small smile which seems to throw Seth off,"This is Will,son of Apollo and I'm Nico,son if Hades."

His lips part,like he gets it as well.We share a small smile.We're not alone any more.

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