Chapter 20

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We skid to a stop at Thalia's tree.Hector stumbles slightly before leaning against the tree which,surprisingly,doesn't crack and groan under his massive weight.Then again,it is a magic tree.Will slides off first and pats Hector for his good job.I scoff to myself before joining him on the ground.Hector promptly collapses,waiting for Will to give him a belly rub.He does so with that smile that's going to drive me mad.

When I land on the ground a jolt shivers its way to my still healing wound.I wince,and Will's ever watching eyes notice.He's been trained to sniff out a wound so it's no surprise that he stops petting Hector who slowly staggers to his feet then waits for my orders.Will eyes me once then turns away.

He roots through his bag-seriously,how does he keep hold of that thing?-before pulling out yet another lollipop.

I give the ball of sugar a flat look,"You have got to be kidding me,"I almost growl at him.

He shoves it into my hand,"It'll help heal your wound faster."He insists.

Scowling at the offending lollipop I toss the thing into my mouth.Grinning he leads the way into Camp,with our hands still knotted together.Hector stomping after us as he passes the boundary a shimmer of gold surrounds him.Hades's blessing so that a monster can come into Camp.Chiron will love this.Hector is gaining more energy as he goes so it's no surprise that the campers hear him as we approach.

They all spill out from their training with their weapons ready,obvisiously seeing Hector as a threat.Apollo's spawn arm their bows and prepare to fire.

Will saves us by standing in front of Hector,hands up.Hector sniffs him before his giant tongue comes out and slobbers all over Will's arm to neck.Some campers look disgusted the rest are still poised for battle.Will ignores Hector's affection in favour of protecting him.

"It's ok."He assures the mob who are now going into shock over our appearence with the hellhound."He's friendly."

As if to prove the point,Hector barks loudly,leaps over Will and smothers a good dozen demigods in hellhound slobber.

"Great,"Clarrise La Rue groans,"Another one."That's when Mrs O'Leary appears between the campers.Hector stops terrorisimg the campers to asses her.

Appartently satisifed with their assesment the two charge at each other,the demigods close enough yelp and leap out of the way.They clash with the echo of mountains colliding.They growl and snap at each other playfully.

"Well that's brilliant."Travis Stoll sighs,"They'll ruin more of the Camp then we will."He tells his brother dejectedly.

It's when he's finished talking that the rest of the campers turn their attetion back to us.I look to Will nervously,knowing that the campers fully expected me to get us killed given that it was my Father that caused this problem.How are we meant to explain this without tarnishing Hades's reputation?

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